interview questions from n_isfor_neville

Jan 31, 2011 21:27

Just made nummy tacos with roommate. Am currently so full of salsa and tortilla and spicy meat that I'm considering just going to sleep now. Anyway, here's a meme-y type interview thing I got from n_isfor_neville. Enjoy. :D

1. If you found out the Doctor was real, would you step out of your normal life for an indefinite amount of time to be his companion, and ( Read more... )

memeage, ftw, team tardis, i am the queen of the dorks, meme, just the doctor, vampires!, fanfiction

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Comments 28

fiyero3305 January 31 2011, 16:21:58 UTC
Wrackspurt in the TARDIS! GTFO!

Also, I think Buffy vamps are my favorite kinds. I like that they're deadly but still fightable. Gotta believe I've got a fighting chance!


otakuwench February 1 2011, 04:35:03 UTC
Ummm, okay, here goes:

1) What's your favorite quote from a musical?
2) What did you want to be when you were growing up?
3) What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
4) Have you ever watched/read/listened to something you expected to hate, and then you loved it? (Or the reverse?)
5) What ws your favorite game as a kid? (Board game, card game, actual going-outside-and-moving-around game... whichever)

And if you'll believe it, I've only ever seen most of Buffy peripherally, like my old babysitter would watch it while she was watching us, so I know who pretty much everyone is and some of the story, but not that much... I'd really like to sit down and watch it properly one of these days.


fiyero3305 February 2 2011, 19:11:59 UTC
I will think about these and answer soonly!

I gotta say, you HAVE TO WATCH IT! I didn't even realize until I went to reply to this but I think Buffy might be one of my favorite TV shows ever. It could be serious and scary, but then so funny and goofy and it had a musical episode that didn't suck or come from nowhere in the 'verse.


otakuwench February 3 2011, 04:15:54 UTC
Okay, then! I was definitely planning on it but excellent reviews mean I'll watch it sooner rather than later :)


piratesmile331 January 31 2011, 16:31:15 UTC
HI! I love reading everything that you write. It's all so funny and insightful and I envy you your book knowledge.


otakuwench February 1 2011, 03:44:00 UTC
Quick way to fix the book knowledge thing: read moar books. ;p haha

Just joshing, glad you enjoy my ramblings. :)


n_isfor_neville January 31 2011, 17:37:36 UTC
I think I'd be a HORRIBLE companion to the Doctor, because I am clumsy. He'd be saving me far more than I'd be helping him. Still, it'd be hard to turn down. I would love to know for certain that there is intelligent life outside of our solar system.

I've not read any Anne Rice yet, but I have read a few of her son's books (which have nothing to do with vampires, of course!). I'm with you on the Twilight vampires. I've read all of the books and watched the movies. They amuse me greatly, simply because they're so awful. It's like bad fan fic... sometimes you can't stop reading, because it's so bad, it is entertaining.


otakuwench February 1 2011, 04:58:28 UTC
I'm also rather clumsy, but hopefully he'd take me anyway? *hopes*

Who's her son? I don't know if I've read any of his books, are they any good?

Yeah, despite their ridiculousness, the only one that I physically had trouble finishing was Breaking Dawn; I tore through the other ones like nobody's business. (If you have a hundred years to sit around reading something incredibly hilarious, btw, you should check our Dan Bergstein's Blogging Twilight, it's the tales of one poor sap who's being paid to read and blog about each chapter of the book, and it's awesome. He's almost done with BD now.)


n_isfor_neville February 1 2011, 05:26:05 UTC
Her son is Christopher Rice. He's openly gay and so are a lot of characters in his books. His first book is A Density of Souls. Another is The Snow Garden. I think he's got about 6 or 7 books out now. I've read 3 or 4.

I listened to the audio books and the narrator's voice was very pleasant. I was addicted at first, but once I thought about how Edward is basically just a controlling boyfriend, and his relationship with Bella is beyond unhealthy, I started to hate on it. Also, Bella is a horrible friend, daughter, etc. Also it seems that SMeyer likes to add in lots of details that aren't relevant to anything just to make the book longer. Does anyone really care what Bella cooks her father for supper, etc?

There's just so much about Breaking Dawn that's awful, but "imprinting" has got to be the most ridiculous thing, ever. An adult consciously or unconsciously choosing a baby as his future spouse is beyond creepy. It's even creepier than a hundred-something-year-old vampire falling in love with a teenager.

/end of Twilight fandom


otakuwench February 1 2011, 05:54:08 UTC
Hmm, I shall have to check him out. :D

Yeah, that's pretty much my experience with it. I have a friend who went through the first one with a red pen and fixed all the things that were totally useless or wrong and would have been cut had she been the editor... the book's basically bleeding with red ink.

And Breaking Dawn... so, soooo awful. Not only is the name 'Renesmee" a testament to why teenagers should not be having teh childrens, but the imprinting thing... it's like SMeyer was like, "Hmm, what's the creepiest, most pedobear way for me to get rid of the problem of Jacob being onehundredmillion times a better love interest for Bella? MAKE HIM FALL IN LOVE WITH BELLA'S SUPER-SUE BABY. MUAHAHAHA." *shudders* I can't even read the word imprint without bad connotation any more, and only the awesomeness of Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist has kept me from doing the same at seeing the name Edward...

I've also always liked the name Isabella for a girl baby... Rude, SMeyer, rude. :( Rawr.


hermie809 January 31 2011, 18:05:24 UTC
Wrackspurt in the TARDIS! GTFO!

-i think it would depend on which Dr asked me, to be quite honest. If it was Eccleston....hellllllllz yes. *fantasizes*

-I like the Anne Rice vampires as well. Admittedly, I haven't read many stories with vampires as the main protagonist and/or antagonist. So I don't know much about them besides the Anne Rice ones. But that's fine. They do me well.

-I would marry Jareth at the end D: =X

-So...what IS the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything? :P


otakuwench February 1 2011, 05:04:42 UTC
Augh, this is hard. *tries to think of things I don't know about you*

1) What is your dream job?
2) What's the best book you've ever read?
3) What's your favorite movie monster?
4) Where do you see yourself in ten years?
5) What's your favorite holiday?

I don't have any sort of Doctor-specific qualms haha, I'd just hop on in. ^^;;

Agreed. :)

Yeah who am I kidding, screw little brothers, I'm marrying immortal-faerie-king!Bowie. >.>

42! (o~bviously.) the real problem is, what is the question?


mayfly_78 January 31 2011, 20:01:57 UTC
God I WISH the Doctor were real! I'd love to go travelling with him, but I'd never be as awesome as Amy, or even Donna, so I guess he wouldn't want me tagging along. *sulk*

I'm not really into vampires - except the fake blood b-movie type.

So what is the airspeed velocity of an unladed sparrow?


otakuwench February 1 2011, 04:42:41 UTC
You and me both! :X And no fear, the Doctor loves everyone equally, so hopefully he wouldn't mind two dedicated fangirls as long as they promise to sit quietly and keep their hands off the control panel. >.> :D

To each their own :) I like them a lot because I'm (among other things) a huge history nerd, and I like vampire stories that start in the exciting past and end in today... also, a lot of the emotional baggage in vampire stories is similar to the Doctor's, what with the whole never-dying, watching-everyone-you-love-get-old-around-you business, except usually with a lot more sex and death. >.>;

Is that swallow African or European? ;D


mayfly_78 February 1 2011, 17:35:58 UTC
European! (No wriggling out of answering.)


otakuwench February 1 2011, 17:46:42 UTC
Approximately 10 meters per second. Hah!

The internet is the best thing ever.


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