Wednesday Reading Meme

Mar 29, 2017 08:32

What I’ve Just Finished Reading

Mockingjay. D: D: D: TEARS FOREVER.

I also finished Miss Read’s Miss Clare Remembers, which I enjoyed very much for the sort of bird’s-eye view of English history that it offers. Miss Clare is reflecting on her life as she waits for a friend to visit, which covers everything from the 1880s to the 1950s, although it ( Read more... )

obernewtyn, hunger games, 2017 reading challenge, wednesday reading meme, books

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Comments 2

evelyn_b March 29 2017, 14:17:12 UTC



osprey_archer March 29 2017, 20:09:08 UTC
Well, now that I have a little more distance from it, it is no longer quite so TEARS FOREVER, because there is some hope at the end, buuuuut it's like three pages of hope as compared to two hundred pages or so of misery beforehand as Katniss and co try to navigate through the Capitol on a fool's errand to assassinate President Snow.

I think what gets me most is that none of them needed to die - well, the ones who died at the beginning in the booby-trapped street were goners; but the rest of them might have come through it fine if Katniss hadn't insisted on chasing after her vendetta. And it was all so useless! The rebels were on the verge of breaking through anyway! So Finnick and so forth died for nothing.


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