Bandom Voice Post Meme (aka, i say "you know" a LOT when i'm nervous...)

Nov 22, 2011 12:22

Uhhh, seriously, I sound like Brendon (in that fic by LittleMousling where Ian teaches them how to talk dirty: Post-Modern Cyrano) where he sounds ridiculously uncool and utterly laughable every time he tries to say something hot. Which, btw, makes me crack the fuck up, it's so fucking hilarious.

But here I'm basically like, no one wants to hear me talk, let me rush to the end of every answer and trip over my own tongue while I'm at it. So yeah, I even forgot to mention that I'm pretty much "osaraba" everywhere? LJ, Dreamwidth, Tumblr, Twitter...

I swear I sound less like an idiot when there are no recording devices around. Those of you who've met me in person... well, nevermind.

taken from sneaky_sena (

Think of this as a template. If you want to skip a question, go ahead. If you want to add your own questions or just ramble on about bandom or fanfiction, feel free! Just do a podcast or a voice post or whatever you can to get your voice on the internets for all of us to hear.

1. What's your username and is there a story behind it?
2. Where are you from and where do you live now?
3. What are you wearing? Yes, I am hitting on you.
4. How long have you been in bandom? How did you get into it?
5. Which bands are your favorites?
6. Which band members are your favorites?
7. Have you seen any of them in concert? Any fun stories or memories to share?
8. Do you have an OTP? What is it, and why do you love it?
9. What story do you wish someone would write?
10. Are you working on something for bandom right now? Tell us a little bit about it.
11. You've got fic open somewhere on your computer right now, don't lie. So go to one of your open tabs or word documents or whatever, and read us a couple of lines.
12. Say these words: Iero, haberdashery, LOLcat, flist, dirigible, halcyon, nemesis, ephemeral, languorous

So, here goes...

Bandom voice post meme 11-22-11 by sarabakari

fandom:bandom, fandom:p!atd, fics:p!atd, flist, meme, voice_post

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