So, i decided to make this post to people who like to be spoiled and are dying to know the end of the manga Doors of Chaos by Ryoko Mitsuki.
Tokyopop published two vols and forgot to publish the third one which was the end. People complained about it, but Tokyopop until now didnt published the vol. 3.
So what was i going to do, if Doors of Chaos v.3 is only available in Russia, France and Brazil? Since i couldnt order it from outside the European Union, i decided to go for France. Portuguese is my official language, which is the same in Brazil, but it was impossible to order it, so, i had no choice, i had to order it from France, and desperately try to read it, while trying to remember something of french. I had french in Highschool, which helped me and i understood lets say...half of it. Here it goes my review for the manga, with spoilers of the end, so, if you dont wanna know, dont read it.
First of all, the manga is impossible to find online. you want to read it? buy it. there´s no other way.
The story looked interesting, the art was outstanding. But this is just full of plot holes. The story is about two sisters who are harmonizers (and the direct descendants of a great sorcerer named Zerachiel), that is, they control the nature by giving Harmony. Clarissa the eldest is a blonde, cheerful 15 year old girl, who has the power to "open the door of chaos". Mizeria, her sister, is a sickly fragile brunette that has the power to close it. They were raised by a serious hot guy named Rikther, and they look at him as older brother.
Then, the story starts to get like hugely confusing explain stuff that is so hard to understand, that i just skipped it. The thing is Rikhter, after all, wasnt the goody guy, but the villain. He kidnaps Clarissa and starts to open the doors of chaos. With that doors open, the world will fall into darkness. He leaves behind a scared Mizeria that is saved by a mysterious boy named Zelfa. Than Zelfa and Mizeria start chasing after Clarissa and Rikther. Some supporting charas appear, including a boy named Roudel, that can transform into a female and a cat. Ill just ignore the supporting charas, sorry.
Zelfa and Rikhter are immortals and Zelfa seems to know Rikther since his childhood. They hate each other.
As the journey continues, Rikther forces Clarissa to open the doors. She tries to resist, but he always wins over her. She tries to fight, but its useless. She is also guarded by a little gothic lolita named Luciano.
At the same time Mizeria and Zelfa become close friends. Roudel also protects Mizeria, and it is hinted that he might have a crush on her. Mizeria is a crybaby emo that spends her days and nights crying for Rikther and Clarissa, to a point that you just want her to stop already. Angst is good, but being emo all the time sucks.
Did i mentioned that the sisters also have a tendency to appear almost naked or totally naked several times? Good fanservice. Too bad doesn't happen the same with boys ;_;
hum, anyway, proceeding, there´s a clear sexual tension between Rikther and Clarissa. Although her tutor doesnt show any romantic feelings for her or her for him, there are scenes we clearly see some physical attraction between them. Rikther likes to grab her all the time. But talking in attraction, Ansance, the bone men, a men with a lot of piercings and earrings, that it seems truly evil and a true perv, tries to rape Mizeria and gives Clarissa her first kiss (a french kiss, btw) and to those who are interested Mizeria gets her first kiss from a naked woman named Gizelle, which is an acquaintance of Rikther. In the end we get to know that Ansance although he is bad, he is not that bad. In the final Vol. Clarissa tries to sacrifice herself to save her sister and the world (hum, kinda cliché) and saves Luciano. When she is about to die and be devoured by evil dark creatures, it is Ansance who actually bothers to save her. Before that, Clarissa tried to kill the pet of Rikhter, a huge wolf, because that wolf is somehow connected to the world destruction (or not, fuck, why cant i read french well? ;_;)
Before that, Rikther fought with Zelfa, didnt get a scratch and left Zelfa half dead, if Zelfa wasn't immortal he would have died with the amount of wounds and blood he had. Mizeria tries to talk to Rikhter everytime she sees him, crying and trying to appeal to his "good" side, and spends all the damn manga thinking about him. And then we get to know in the last vol, that she actually sees him as a father. =_=
Zelfa by other side, is clearly in love with Mizeria. The man suffered. oh he did. Protecting a brat like her is a pain. Falling with love with her is even worst. Rikther doesnt care a shit for Mizeria and most of the times, he actually tries to kill her (and that lasts until the end). It seems he knew the witch Zerachiel, (which was like a clone of Mizeria btw). It also seems that Zelfa didnt liked Zerachiel very much (it was her who made him immortal btw). Too bad he fell in love with her descendant that looks precisely like her ;P
bla bla bla (sorry my french is miserable, so i really dont know what happened in several pages). The story becomes a real mess, and its not because of my bad french comprehension. Several supporting charas are introduced from nowhere. A girl with glasses, a talking rabbit etc. The past of Zelfa is not explained, neither Rikther´s. All we get to know is that the two are supposed to be the guardians of the keys (Mizeria and Clarissa).
The end : Clarissa stays with Rikhter and his group and is separated again from her sister. Mizeria thinks her sister died or something like that and remains with Zelfa and his group, she finally looses her emo side and starts smiling because she accomplished her mission. Zelfa spent 3 vols saving the helpless Mizeria just to get a hug and not one single kiss. But it seems at the end that Mizeria is falling in love with him, so yeah the guy finally had some luck. The hug was cute indeed, but did not satisfied me.
Yeah, this was the end. A end without end, really. Also it is mentioned that the mangaka had health problems and because of that, that was her last work. (could it be true? too bad. She should team up with another mangaka. she could make the art and the other one the story, since this story was really...disappointing. Still, the art was amazing, cant deny it.)
now any french/russian/brazilian fan who read the third vol is welcomed to post here to clarify my super confused spoiler review, lol.