I am not a steady flosser, but when I do, always first, then I can brush away all those nasty little germs. I use this great stuff called Dentyl, it is a mouthwash that when you spit it out shows you all the germs in little coloured globs. Sounds gross but highly satisfying. *L*
Only gross if you are sharing your results, otherwise feels good to put a face to those elusive, often talked about but rarely seen mouth cooties... *L* Yeah, I know, I am weird!
I'm sure I would know the right answer to this if 1) I listened to the hygenist after she tortures me cleans my teeth and 2) didn't believe that the only valid definition of floss is something you do needlepoint with ...
When dental care became so sophisticated due to high tech machinery and Novocaine that drilling no longer caused as much pain as it used to, that is when it seems that dentists started getting serious about torturing patients with medieval bloodletting practices of jabbing their gums with sharp objects and determining their level of disease advancement according to blood loss. In order to better immune myself as a warrior to this practice, I first took on the habit of flossing in 1990. For a month or so, I flossed after brushing, until I noticed dark stains developing around the spaces between my teeth. When I changed to flossing before, these stains disappeared! So DUH! I brush after!
Comments 7
At least that's what my dentist keeps telling me...
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