Mt mom has been a nurse for 40 years, and thank goodness, has only had two needle sticks. She has to wear nitryl due to a latex allergy. I guarantee you-if she was that nurse's supervisor, she would have written her up on the spot. You ALWAYS wear gloves-whether it's a baby or a 90 year old.
Hon, I will keep you in my thoughts-pls take care of yourself!
Yeah, I don't understand why nurses opt to not wear gloves. Doesn't make any sense to me. I'm glad your mom hasn't had more needle sticks. I think that's the scariest thing about that profession.
My God, he could look for liver functions or numbers, but not liver cancer. I second the concern about no gloves. You're a gentleman for not wanting her to get what you've got, but what the hell, you don't really want what she got either. Also, you're working yourself up over nothing. If the results come back good, you'll probably be disappointed. The part that bothers me most is the single again part. Have I been so completely out of touch?
Re: Liver Cancer
June 13 2008, 14:24:09 UTC
Heya, Evan,
He looks for iver function and numbers all the time. This is just his every couple of years check to make sure that there's nothing showing up on an ultra-sound that he should be concerned about. Still, using the big "C" word is never received with perfect equanimity. The worst part is having to go in on an empty stomach. No food OR water before hand. Blech.
The single part is relatively new. You haven't been so completely out of touch. I just haven't talked about it much. :)
Comments 4
Hon, I will keep you in my thoughts-pls take care of yourself!
Yeah, I don't understand why nurses opt to not wear gloves. Doesn't make any sense to me. I'm glad your mom hasn't had more needle sticks. I think that's the scariest thing about that profession.
Evan Jones
He looks for iver function and numbers all the time. This is just his every couple of years check to make sure that there's nothing showing up on an ultra-sound that he should be concerned about. Still, using the big "C" word is never received with perfect equanimity. The worst part is having to go in on an empty stomach. No food OR water before hand. Blech.
The single part is relatively new. You haven't been so completely out of touch. I just haven't talked about it much. :)
Thanks, Evan
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