Literary Character Crush Challenge! Day 1

Aug 04, 2020 23:02

Copied this from erexen who started this after the "Celebrity Crush Challenge". Anyone can join if they wish.

Same rule applies as the Celebrity CC, post a picture, one per day with no explanation, of 10 Literary Characters you have been in love with/ had a crush on. Join me!

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Comments 8

chienne_folle August 4 2020, 21:11:24 UTC
I don't get out to the movies much, and literature is full of swordsmen. Which literary swordsman might THIS fellow be?


orlando_switch August 4 2020, 21:24:57 UTC
This is Floris of Rozemond, which is a kind of Dutch equivalent of Ivanhoe - I am not sure if the book was launched before or after the series though.
He is played by Rutger Hauer, in his very first role in 1969, far far before Bladerunner. And my very first crush at an adult, when I was 5 or 6. My grandmother wrote the broadcast company to obtain a postcard of him for me, which was a black and white picture of him on a horse.


chienne_folle August 4 2020, 22:39:12 UTC
How sweet of your grandmother to get you a postcard!

I've never seen Bladerunner, so I didn't recognize the actor.

I don't remember any crushes before age 11. I probably had them; I just don't remember most of my early childhood. I don't know if something traumatic happened then, or if it was just too boring to remember. :-)


orlando_switch August 4 2020, 23:07:52 UTC
Let's really hope it is the latter..

Rutger Hauer made a lot of movies in the USA so you might have seen him in another one.

How sweet of your grandmother to get you a postcard!
Yes, she really was a dear and as a child I stayed a lot with her.


erexen August 4 2020, 22:42:52 UTC
Ooooh, I recognized Rutger Hauer yuuummm! Though from "LadyHawke" and other movies. This is Awesome, a culturally unique entry, thank you!!!

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orlando_switch August 4 2020, 23:16:32 UTC
Ooh Ladyhawk. That is a lot later than Floris.

Rutgers Hauers biggest success in Dutch movies was shortly after Floris in Turks Fruit (Turkish Delight) after a semi autobiographic book of the Dutch author/artist Jan Wolkers. However, this movie contains so much sex and nudity that I doubt it has ever been released abroad.


erexen August 5 2020, 00:44:44 UTC
Well, he was splendidly sexy!


orlando_switch August 5 2020, 08:28:53 UTC
Yes, and he was a nice person as well.

Here a pic from Turkish Delight.

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