Battlestar Galactica
3x18 - "The Son Also Rises"
It was a good episode (Badger! From Firefly! Ooooo, and his character is interesting!), but I spent most of the episode noting Starbuck's absence. *hugs Lee, Adama, and Sam*
Poor Papa Adama and Lee though. They just go back and forth between "I'm proud of you" to literally sitting on opposite sides of a courtroom. *facepalm* Tensions mount more in the next episode...
3x19 - "Crossroads, Part 1"
I liked this episode a lot more than last week's.
"I'm sorry. Temperatures are running a little high in the fleet these days." Understatement of the week, Madame President!
-I could have sworn the woman who was begging Baltar to bless her son played Diane in Jake 2.0, but imdb doesn't provide the answer. Argh, I hate when I recognize a face and can't put a name to it.
-Why does Sam hear the tune on the radio when Tigh is messing with it and again when Tory is at the bar? It's the same tune that Tigh hears coming from the ship, right? So Sam is either a Cylon, very intuitive, or he recognizes the sound from when they were on Caprica...
-Now Helo, he is obviously Very Intuitive. I liked his bit of foreshadowing with Gaeta. I wonder how the transfusion issue is going to play out between Roslin and the Agathons.
-"I will not serve under a man who questions my integrity." "And I will not have an officer under my command who doesn't have any."
And here is what I mean by mounting father and son tensions. *meep* :X
I can see where all of the characters are coming from, which is a major reason why I love this show--it's so complex and it makes you see all sides of an issue. Oftentimes I dont' agree with Tigh and his actions, but I do have to respect the man for sticking to his convictions (He poisoned his own wife because of it!).
The scene with Roslin and Lee was painful ("Please don't do this. Please. ... Captain Apollo. Do you remember that? I always thought it had such a nice ring to it. I am so so sorry for you now.") It reminded me of Lee working with Roslin in the miniseries, and now they too are sitting on opposite sides of the courtroom.
I also agree with both Lee, who is trying to prove the system still works, and Dee, who believes the system is too frakked to uphold in the first place. *is conflicted* My heart does go out to Lee more though because of all that he has lost recently (How can his integrity be doubted? His relationships with almost everyone around him are falling apart because he is standing up for his beliefs.).
-On a shallow note, Lee looks awfully nice in a suit. *drools*
Ugly Betty
1x17 - "Icing on the Cake"
I was so very happy to have the show back from hiatus, but ... this episode was kind of boring? As much as I like Henry (and ♥ Christoper Gorham), I'm getting ... kind of bored of Betty/Henry ust? It was cute at first, but I like what my mom said a few weeks ago, "Just because she has glasses and is geeky looking they have to match her with someone who looks just as geeky?" It's cool that they have a lot in common and it is all very cute, but it's just not very interesting.
Eh. Betty/Henry is inevitable and I'll probably be okay it for the most part, but I just hope it doesn't last forever. Henry himself can stick around forever...
Also? This is just an issue with me in general: if someone is in a relationship with someone else, they shouldn't be thinking about, let alone ogling, another person entirely. In cases like that, I think that person is doing a great injustice to everyone involved and should try being single for awhile to sort things out for his or her self. Be a man, Henry. Do the right thing. Betty did it with Walter, and again proved how good and strong she is at the end of this episode.
The episode itself wasn't very strong. Claire is an awesome character; Constance is not. Claire is a cool, foot-in-mouth, drunk and entertaining crazy while Constance is just an annoying kind of crazy. The best part of the episode is when people would bring up Henry in front of the orthodontist. Aww, I liked him too--I wish he could have at least gotten some rhubarb pie out of the deal.
1x18 - "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
I am very excited about today's UB episode. *bounces about* It looks like it has that perfect mixture of discussing a real, emotional issue with hilarity that makes me love this show so much.
This spoilery clip already has me in stitches (and the clip cuts off just before it gets even funnier)!