What the fuck was that for? I mean really...why? What was the point of that? And why Starbuck?
In the words of Lee Adama, "Come back!"
*goes into mourning*
Okay, so I don't think Kara's really dead. Maybe it's delusion...maybe it's wishful thinking...but I don't think they would go on so much about her destiny if her destiny was just to die.
I'm going to have to watch the episode again, but didn't the psychic say something about Leoben coming for her? Perhaps she really wasn't imagining a raider, and the Cylons actually got to her in time before her viper went KABOOM. Hopefully it's something along those lines.
There were a lot of things I loved about this episode: the acting, Kara's interactions with Helo, Sam, Adama, and Lee, and the details like the heavy bags under her eyes, but...
They really hit the foreshadowing hard in this ep (the conversation with Lee about the memorial picture, giving Adama the figurine/relic, fearing death, &etc). YET I still felt like her death came out of left field. The whole thing with her mother and that helping her come to terms with death had me going wtf. Now if it is some ploy of the Cylons...that would make much more sense. I don't know. Like I said, I'm going to have to watch the episode again.
Okay, so my thoughts really aren't that much more coherent. I'll end this with 3 things:
1. Poor Lee. He's somewhat responsible, and you know he knows it. That whole scene I was like, "Oh, Lee. This is going to make it so much more angst-y for you."
2. I still don't think Starbuck is a Cylon. *shrugs*
3. There just can’t be BSG without Starbuck!