Title: If Not This Pairings: YunJae Form: Oneshot Genre: Romance Words: 1307 Summary: Jaejoong makes a confession, and Yunho thinks about what love is.
this is beautiful. The picture of Jae giving Yunho's male daughter is very endearing, made me melt a little bit. Yunho took his sweet time to comfirm his feelings, and slowly but surely isn't a bad way to go sometime. That last line is win!!!
Lovely, just absolutely lovely. I absoluuutely adores this. It gives me this warm feeling in my tummy like when I'm hungry and cold.. then something warm fills it up. LOL. Much like how you always do with your yunjae pieces. <33 ^^;
even though it isn't really the same as the fic..it kinda reminds me of this feeling..when you reach a point in your life and you look back and think...how'd i get here?
Comments 43
excited for the 4th album yet?
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