Well, I figured that the best way to honor my newfound desire to blog about fandom would be to make a recs post. So here goes! I'll be including some communities that are awesome, some fan art, some icon posts, some meta, and some fic. Hopefully all future recs posts won't be this massive.
Warning: I didn't mark which fics are worksafe, mostly because it didn't occur to me until halfway through the list, and I didn't want to re-do it all. So, erm, wait 'till you're home to check it out, kks?
Another quick note: All pairings are utilizing the classic Trek style of Superior Officer/Lower Ranked Officer when they're listed. It has nothing to do with their sexual positions, if sex is even present.
Passing the Phaser: 10 Tips For Turning Your Geeklets Into Trekkies -- This was hillarioius. I could definitely see myself doing some of these, particularly number five.
Unpopular Fannish Opinions -- This takes apart a lot of the criticism that's present when discussing Uhura as a character, and shows why the author thinks she kicks ass. I agree.
Kirk, Spock, Bones, And Uhura: the new OT4 -- This was what helped shape my initial views about Uhura. I loved the parallels set-up in this meta, and, again, the deconstruction of a lot of the mindless criticism that's being leveled at Uhura.
The Spock/Uhura Racefail Prevention Post -- Because seriously, guys, let's think before we speak.
where_no_woman -- For recs, fics, meta, and art devoted to the women in the Trek-verse.
Star Trek 2009 Roleplay -- This takes place directly after the end of the film. This is a self-serving rec, since I'm playing Spock there, but there are still many main characters available. Apply, apply!
scifibigbang -- A community for scifi/fantasy writers to join together and do a multifandom big bang. There are plenty of Star Trek: TNG writers, but we need some Reboot writers, stat!
Fan Art
Best Friends by
irrel -- A cute Kirk and Spock friendship comic. Apparently it makes allusions to a sitcom, but I found it funny even without seeing the referenced show.
Bones by
irrel -- A bit of canon fun. Irrel's Kirk is hillarious, and the expressions are too cute.
Cabin Boy by
lizardspots -- Unbelievably hot K/Mc/Ch threesome. Their expressions are great.
Getting Spock to Dance by
turntap2 -- Jim's hillarious in this, and the whole comic seems so real, right down to Spock counting Jim's attempts.
Illogical Responses by
lizardspots -- K/S. This is just plain hot. Spock's faint blush and his serene expression are great touches, but I love the fact that he has his hand around Kirk's neck as they fuck.
Mind Meld by
jou -- Everything about this artist's style reminds me of my favorite comics. The inking, poses, and coloring is gorgeous. There's also an intensity to the pose, despite the softness of the scene, that made me feel almost like a voyeur, despite the lack of nudity.
The Misadventures of Jeffrey the Tribble by
jbadgr -- ((I'm linking to the last part in the series, because it's the only post to have links to all of the previous parts.)) The art in this is soft but playful, and perfect for comics. The evolution of Jeffrey's hijinks takes us through Jim, McCoy, Spock, and Chekov, though the latter has possibly the funniest scene. Too hilarious for words.
Stars by
irrel -- Young!Spock and young!Uhura are too cute in this. Both have great expressions, but Spock's pout just steals the picture for me.
Multiple Pics by
mangotrills -- This post has some K/S, K/Mc, and Spock Gen. The pics are, in turns, funny, hot, and hilarious. The picture with Spock swimming in cereal is my current wallpaper.
Fan Fic
A Formal Dance in the Bowling Alley by
loneraven -- Ensemble. A slice-of-life fic for the people living on-board the Enterprise. A heart-warming end, with some references to a species from TOS.
A New Day by
kodiak_bear -- Ensemble. This. Was. Brilliant. Action-adventure fics aren't a common find in the reboot fandom, so this was a gem that managed to pop-up early on. The way everything gets pieced together at the end is brilliant, as is Kirk's cold response. A bit gory, but nothing unreasonable. Please, do yourself a favor, and go read this. And then write some more action-adventure fics for us reboot!lovers.
Academic Discourse by
seriousfic -- Gaila. A look at how education systems in the future don't always fare much better than the racist systems of today. Gaila's POV is sympathetic and Uhura's shown as a great and supportive friend.
Astrophobes Anonymous by
chaletian -- McCoy. This gives readers a glimpse of what happens to take McCoy from panicking in the bathroom to confidently smuggling his BFF aboard a shuttle. I also loved how this handled his interactions with other cadets, and how it showed his ability to take charge without really noticing it.
(beep) Or: A Lifetime of Problems Told Through Winona Kirk's Answering Machine by
vivid_butterfly -- Jim and Winona. This was an inspired way to tell the story of Jim growing up. The fact that he still stays so close to his mom is wonderful, as is the positive ending.
Birds Do It by
chaletian -- Kirk and Chekov. Technically a sequel to It Takes a Village, but it stands on its own. The ways Chekov finds to mess with Kirk's head are classic, and had me spitting out soda at the screen.
Cockroaches in Space by
teinm_laida -- Cupcake. This fic is made of win. McCoy's turbolift phobia, space cockroaches, and possessive!Scotty all make an appearance. Fandom definitely needs more fics like this. I lol'd way too much for my own good.
The Enterprise Laundry Room by
chaletian -- This is from the POV of a lower decks crewman, with a cameo by Kirk. It really gives the whole movie some perspective, seeing things from the laundry worker's eyes. It also includes interesting little tidbits about the characters eating and cleaning habits.
Et In Arcadia Ego by
chaletian -- Spock and McCoy. The alien planet is lush, and the civilization is incredibly believable. It's one of those glimpses of their missions that really makes my imagination take off. But McCoy's grief, his absolute anguish, is what took my breath away. Read it, if only for that.
Impulse by
wildtiger7 -- Kirk and Spock. A sweet friendship fic, showing both how Jim has matured and how Spock's still struggling with his impulses.
It Takes a Village by
chaletian -- Ensemble. The hijinks of the crew in this are too cute. One of my favorites parts is the medical bay gossip mill going-on, and how McCoy's an unwitting gossip queen.
Love Is Watching Someone Die by
wook77 -- McCoy. Read this one with tissues, guys. It's tragic, and yet I couldn't help myself from agreeing with the basic premise behind it. Sometimes people really just don't get a happy ending. Touching.
Lunch and Other Obscenities by
rheanna27 -- This focuses primarily on the friendship between Gaila and Uhura, so even though there's some Spock/Uhura, I'm listing it as gen. It gives a beautifully complex look at Gaila's life at Starfleet, and how Nyota learns and grows with the diversity in her life. It shows Nyota as someone who is strong in her own right, with glimpses of her home life, her love of learning, and her desire to put her friends first. It gives her believable flaws, and lets her grow beyond them. Funny in parts, and touching in others, it's definitely a feel-good fic that had me thinking about it long after it was over.
Notes On Captaining A Starship by
calapine -- Kirk and Ensemble. In this fic, Kirk is exactly the sort of captain I'd imagine him to be. It's interesting to watch him stumble and learn everyones' routines, as well as finding his own.
Only the Good Die Young by
_seven_crows -- Chekov. Having grown-up being younger than most of my friends, I can definitely relate to Chekov here. At the end, where Spock is giving Chekov 'the talk,' I just about died laughing.
The Proper Treatment of Sexorexia by
igrockspock -- Gaila and Uhura. This had me laughing out loud in some parts, and wanting to cry with sympathy towards Gaila in others. It has an amazing Gaila voice, gives us some insight into how Spock is seen by non-humans, and shows Nyota and Gaila finding ways to bridge their cultural differences. Gaila is crafty and brilliant in this, rising from a side character to someone who can go off and have incredible adventures on her own.
Search and Rescue by
_seven_crows -- Ensemble. Fandom needs more reboot!verse action fics like this. It moves wonderfully, the story's set-up well, and there's plenty of hurt/comfort dynamics between Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.
TwitterEnterprise by
misfit_fandoms -- Ensemble. I don't even Twitter, and I found this hilarious. A great little adventure/slice-of-life fic, with references to TOS characters and crew. Do yourself a favor and read this.
Verbosity by
lune_and_asters -- McCoy. A sympathetic look at why Spock drives Bones nuts, with references to his marriage, Jim, and life aboard the Enterprise.
We Start With The Small Things by
black_eyedgirl -- McCoy. Sheds some light on the animosity between Bones and Spock, and makes it something understandable. Also has strong friendship vibes between Bones and Jim.
What Happens Next by
thistlerose -- McCoy and Joanna. Almost everybody I know has once or twice made a 'get well' potion for their parents. The relationship between Joanna and Bones is heartbreaking, particularly at the end.
Whore by
igrockspock -- Gaila. This gives us a quick but deep view of Gaila's anxiety, her past, and Starfleet's diversity!fail. Touching, with a great cameo by Spock.
The Air You Breathe by
amory_vain -- K/Ch. This hits almost all of my kinks in one hot move. We have suffocation, public!sex, rutting, and cuddling. So damn hot.
Been Here Before by
tooright99 -- K/Su. Some seriously hot, slightly angsty adrenaline!sex. But the ending is sweet and just a little bit hopeful. To me, at least. ^^
Chess by
Synaesthesia -- K/S. An interesting look at Kirk's chess habit, with a nod towards the chess matches from TOS between Kirk and Spock. It weaves-in all sorts of different memories, without it seeming awkward. Tension galore, but ends well.
Educational Material by
cards_slash -- K/S. Possibly the most hilarious look at Pon Farr that I've seen in this part of fandom. Trust the Vulcans to make a pornumentary, and trust Spock to find it hot. ((The sequel is
Everyone Knows by
curiouslyfic -- K/Su. The cold look at Kirk from the crew helps to mirror the depth of him when he's with Sulu. And also? Dom!Sulu is hot.
Five Times Bones Failed Miserably at Needing Spock, And One Time He Didn't by
grabi_hands -- S/Mc. The author keeps the rhythm well in these, by using similar phrases at the beginning of each section. The ending's sort of confusing, but the library scene is strong enough to stay with me for hours after I read it.
Here Comes the Rumour Mill by
credulesque -- K/Mc. Cute and playful, it made me grin, wince, and hope in almost equal measures. An adorable and lol-tastic Academy fic.
Sex and Someone Else's Perfume by
wook77 -- K/Mc. Incredibly emotional, slow-moving fic. It's definitely how I could see their relationship developing, and it ends on a bittersweet note. And, well, it's hot. ^^
Sooner or Later by
r_becca -- K/Mc. The author seamlessly blends scenes from their past with scenes from their present. It's touching, sweet, and slow-moving in the way that I think suits this pairing best.
Unadultered by
damalur -- S/Mc. The tension and angry!groping makes this incredibly hot. I don't usually like fics about cheating, but somehow this one works.
Watching the World (Wake Up From History) by
raisintorte -- Scotty/Gaila. I'm not a huge Scotty fan, but this definitely makes him seem sympathetic. His interactions with Gaila are awesome, and it makes me wonder what sort of adventures they're going to have. And also? Scotty as the type that pines-without-pining makes this extra-awesome.
Star Trek Movie Parody by
sarahtales -- This is my favorite of all the parodies that are out there right now. The only downside is that you have to be familiar with the order of various scenes for it to makes sense. Anything that includes the line, "Never go in against a Vulcan when kink is on the line" must be read. ((Macros for it were made by
rinexxx and can be found
Fan Vids
Don't Stop Believing by
arefadedaway -- Kirk and Spock. Somehow it just works. Downloaded it, and I hum it around the house a lot.
A Million Miles From Here by
nel_ani -- Kirk. The editing in this is perfect. The song fits Kirk brilliantly, and the scenes are just right for that type of video. Gave me a new perspective on Kirk, because while rationally I knew what being in Starfleet entailed, sometimes I need to be hit over the head with it to make it clear.
Rec Posts
dood Gaila is Awesome -- A thread devoted to showing Gaila the love she deserves. Has great pics, meta, fics, and more.