General Information Writers Artists Rough Drafts
Claiming/Matchups Deadlines Posting/Hosting GENERAL
What is a big bang challenge?
The idea is to write a long story, usually with a minimum between 10-40,000 words. Story summaries are posted, and each is claimed by an artist and fanmixer, who will create art and a playlist for the story. This is a cross fandom phenomenon with many different versions, such as
bandombigbang, and
We thought it was about time that there was one dedicated to original fiction.
How do I sign up?
Fill out a quick form in the comments on the relevant post, and voila, you're signed up! There will be two separate posts for sign ups; one for writers, and one for artists/fanmixers.
Can I join the community?
Yes! In fact, we ask that join, since there will be members-only posts (i.e. for authors/artists/mixers) so you don't miss out on something that may be relevant to your interests.
What happens if I'm an author/artist/fanmixer and still haven't joined the community by the time claim posts are up?
The mods will not be chasing you down to make sure you join the community. It is your responsibility after invites and several posts to join the community.
Back to top. WRITERS
What kind of fic do you accept at
Anything goes, as long as it's original fiction. This doesn't mean you break out your epic Mary Sue HP fic. It has to be original characters in an original world. We're fairly flexible with how much inspiration you can take from existing worlds, but it has to be recognizably yours. This also means no RPF, and no other fandom-related stuff. So while your epic Mary Sue HP fic might be out, your massively self-indulgent Mary Sue fic where she saves the galaxy from squid monsters from space is all right by us.
What are the requirements for a fic?
A completed fic must be at least 10,000 words and beta read before posting. The rough draft must be completed within the writing period given from when sign ups close to when rough drafts are due.
Fic may also be a series of shorter fics featuring the same characters/world, but these have to add up to the 10,000 word minimum. For example, you can write 2 x 5,000 word stories about Jenny and Q'lan and their ridiculous shenanigans as they hop from dimension to dimension to steal vampire glitter, or you've got the magical realm of Baahv and you want to write a 5 x 1,000 word stories about its various inhabitants.
You can use a work in progress as the starting point for your big bang fic, but this WIP cannot be longer than 3,000 words. If you participate in the reversebang round, you may use your fic from that round as a WIP, but only if it's under 3,000 words.
Can I write with a co-writer?
Yes, you can! The collaborative word count minimum is still 1,000 words for the first round, and still 10,000 words for the second round.
Can I write a Big Bang on my own, and co-author a Big Bang with someone else, or write two Big Bangs by myself?
Yes, you can! We admire and salute (and slightly fear) all such intrepid souls. Just sign up for them both in separate comments.
Can I write a Big Bang for both waves?
Yes, you can!
Can I write a sequel to a Big Bang I wrote previously?
Can I write a sequel to a non-Big Bang story?
Sequels/prequels are fine, as long as the original fic and the sequel can stand alone - e.g., please don't end it on a cliffhanger with 'to be continued in the third installment of this exciting trilogy!' We'll require you to link to the original fic in your header.
What are the requirements for art?
Each artist is required to create at least one piece of art for the fic they're paired with. Some artists choose to create more, but it is not required. You may choose to do a movie poster-type illustration, a book cover, a banner, icons, a wallpaper, a vid, or more traditional-style art such as drawings or paintings. There's also manips, digital art, etc. If you're unsure if your style art qualifies, feel free to ask and we'll let you know.
What are the requirements for mixes?
Mixes must be minimum 10 songs, maximum 20. You don't have to do front/back art for the mix, but it'd be a nice bonus. There will be more details about mix format in the sign up post.
I'm an artist - can my artwork be included in the body of the story I'm illustrating, rather than a separate post?
If your writer is fine with that, yes, but once you have submitted your art to the mods, you will need to work out the details of inline art yourselves. We ask that art gets a separate post anyway so that people remember to feedback the art, even if your art has been posted within the story.
I/My friend made some art/a mix to go with my story! I can include that when I post to the comm, right?
Yes, you can! We encourage it, in fact. Other, bigger, big bangs do not allow this, but we feel that OFBB is small enough to showcase everyone's efforts, both official and unofficial.
Back to top. ROUGH DRAFTS
How completed do the fics need to be for the rough draft due date?
The fics do not need to be perfectly polished and ready to be posted on the rough draft due date, so long as they are about 80% complete. However, they need to have a reasonably outlined, if not completed, and have a beginning/middle/end. It's okay if the fics need edits and you add/delete scenes in the month between the rough draft due date and the day posting begins. We just need to be able to reasonably verify that you are going to be able to post on your assigned date.
If any of your scenes are not complete, you must include an outline of the scenes so that your artist has a complete picture of your fic to work with.
What will I need to send in?
Authors will need to attach a document to their email with the rough draft of their fic. As long as we're able to open the document, the format doesn't matter. Suggested formats: .txt, .rtf, .doc. We also encourage you to back up your story (Google Docs is a good online storage service) just in case.
Artists will need to attach/link to an art piece that's finished enough to be posted with the fic if something happens between the turn in date and their author's posting date.
Fanmixers will need to specify where they plan to host their mix, status of their mix, attachment/link to any possible art, and a track listing.
How will I know if you've received my rough draft?
You will receive a confirmation email within a few days.
What if there's an issue with my submission?
Your mods will notify you if there's an issue and give you time to correct it. If there's a time/hosting issue, the mods can step in to make sure that the deadline is met. This is why we need a valid email address and for you to check in regularly, so if something unexpected turns up (like the Spanish Inquisition), the mods will have the backups available to help keep everything together.
How are fics assigned to artists and mixers?
Actually, artists and mixers get to choose which fics they want to create for based on a list of summaries with pairings and preferences that the authors provide when they submit their first draft. The list of summaries do not have an author's name attached to ensure a fair claiming process. Claims are done on a first come, first serve basis. We know it sucks when you don't get exactly the prompt you wanted, but if every prompt gets claimed, we'll offer a second round of claims.
How do I submit a claim?
It's as easy as leaving a comment with the number that corresponds to the summary that you want. You should pick at least three, as claims are on a first come, first serve basis, so at least there'll be a good chance you'll get what you want.
What happens if the number of authors doesn't match up with the number of artists or mixers?
We will do several rounds of claiming so that EVERY fic has both art and a mix in the event that fics outnumber artists and mixers. If it's the other way, we may open up the fics so that more than one artists or mixer is assigned to the same fic. Either way, every writer is guaranteed to get at least one piece of art/mix.
What if I'm an artist/mixer and there are no more fics I'm willing to read/create for?
We certainly hope that there will be something you like available, unfortunately, we won't be allowing artists to double up on fics if there are other fics left unclaimed. If there's a second round of claims opened up, you may get your chance then, but until then we're afraid it's just the luck of the draw.
Can I be both an author and an artist/mixer?
Yes, but you cannot claim your own fic for art. However, if you've created your own art or mix while writing, feel free to include it in your master post.
If I'm a mixer and an artist, can I claim the same fic for both?
No, we would prefer it if you picked different stories to share your talents, and it's not really fair to other artists or mixers that may also want to claim that fic.
If I'm an author, how do I ensure that I get the kind of art/music I like for my fic?
We don't mind if you include some preferences in your summary/rough draft, something as a guideline for your artists and mixers to work from. We realize that not everyone has the same taste, and we encourage artists and writers to get in touch to discuss their Big Bang projects.
Back to top. DEADLINES
How much wiggle room do we have on deadlines?
So long as it's still the deadline date somewhere in the world, you should be okay. If there's absolutely no way that you can make the deadline, please email the mods because there may be some way that we can step in to help out.
If I miss a deadline or I can't complete my fic/art/mix on time, what happens?
If you're an author and you miss the rough draft deadline, please let us know & send in your draft ASAP. If we cannot get in contact with you, then there's nothing more we can really do except thank you for participating thus far and hope that you'll come back next year to try again.
If you have already made the rough draft deadline, but for some reason you still don't have your fic ready to go by the posting date you're assigned, you'll need to contact us and let us know what's going on. We should be able to reschedule your posting date. If you're absolutely unable to have your fic ready (we understand that Real Life Happens), contact the mods and we'll figure out some alternative arrangement. The more notice you give us, the better. Remember there are other people working on art or music for your fic, please do your best to have your fic ready to post by your assigned date.
If you aren't going to be able to complete the art or mix for the fic you claimed, you'll need to let us know ASAP so we can get a pinch hitter. Your authors are depending on you.
Where am I posting my fic/art?
You may post your fic wherever you want be it on LJ, Dreamwidth, a personal site, etc. We ask that you post a master post to both the DW and LJ comms with links to all parts of your fic, your art, and your mix. A template for the master post will be provided. Writers and artist will need to get in touch to coordinate links and posting times on their assigned dates. We ask that artists make posts in their LJs/DWs, with a link to the fic master post, and their art. This will allow the writers to provide a link to the art, and give people a chance to leave comments for the artists.
For an example of what we mean, please see
this post, with separate links to where the fic can be read, and to each piece of art, whether done by the author, or by someone else.
I claimed a fic to mix/make art for, but haven't gotten my e-mail yet! How long will it be before the draft gets here and I can start working?
We send out drafts as soon as we process the claims comments. There's really no rhyme or reason to it - sometimes you'll get yours within minutes because a mod is already online, logged into the inbox and has the spreadsheet open when you post. Sometimes it will take an hour, or several, or half a day or more because we are all out working in the underground resistance against the robot apocalypse. If you've been waiting for more than 24 hours, it might be a good idea to send us an e-mail to make sure nothing got lost in the shuffle. Don't worry, though: we will comment in reply to confirm your claim (or ask you to change it if it's already taken) and we will get back to you if your e-mail address comes back an error, so, generally speaking, there's not much that could go wrong here.
I haven't gotten the e-mail with my mix/art and my posting date yet!
Please don't worry, and bear with us. We're both in different time zones than most of the participants, so it may simply be a case of timing. It may also take a bit to work out all the logistics and compile everything we need to send out. Keep an eye on your spam folders, and watch the community for updates-if there are any problems, we'll keep you all informed about how things are going. Don't worry about missing your posting date; if we've already sent you an e-mail and you haven't replied, we'll get in touch with you to make sure you got it.
How do I make a master post to Dreamwidth if I don't have a DW account?
If you don't have/want a DW account, the mods can mirror your master post to the DW community for you.
What if my LJ/Dreamwidth/etc. is friends only?
We ask that you leave the master post and all parts of your fic unlocked for at least a couple of weeks, to give everyone a chance to read your story. AO3 allows original fiction within a fannish tradition, which the big bang format is, so you can also post your fics there (more info about AO3 collection will be provided at a later date).
Is there an external archive?
There are no plans for an external archive at the moment. Authors are to post their fics wherever they see fit. If the external archive does happen, we will not be requiring that the fics are posted there exclusively, and inclusion in the external archive will be optional.
Where can I upload my mix/graphics?
There are several free resources such as Sendspace or Mediafire that can be used for large files. ImageShack, Photobucket, or even LiveJournal's Scrapbook for paid users can be used to host images. If you are unable/unwilling to use these sites for any reason, please let us know, and we can host your files for you.
When do I get to post my fic/art/mix?
Everyone will be assigned a posting date within the posting period. There will be a separate post closer to October, so that you can let the mods know if there are any dates you cannot post on, or preferred dates, etc.
Please do not post your master post to the comm before your assigned date. Also, please try to contain your enthusiasm and don't post it anywhere else, beyond posting it to AO3 if that is where your fic is posted originally.
What if I didn't make the art/mix deadline due to *insert reason here* but have completed my work in time for the author's posting date?
You may contact your author and then it is in your author's hands as to whether or not your art/mix will be included in their master post to the comm.
What if I need to ETA/Coming Soon my art/mix links due to computer access restrictions and haven't heard from my artist and/or mixer?
You are more than welcome to ETA your links though please let the mods know why this is happening and make sure you go back and add them in when you have them. We may be able to step in and provide backups, just in case.