AWDT Ficlet: Without Your Love

Mar 10, 2006 23:00

Title: Without Your Love
Author: original_lie
Pairing: Harry/Draco; very minor Harry/Other, Draco/Other.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: Must kill the fucking bunnies - 3138
Warning: The ubiquitous post break-up dance club fic, hastily written sex, implied sex, overzealous use of the word "fuck"- er possible other stuff (slight angst, slight drama, slight fluff and a dash of pr0n)
Summary: Four months after a fight and subsequent break-up, Draco runs into Harry at a Muggle club they used to go to.
A/N: Written for jamie2109 and nocturnali's AWDT promp "He would be pissed if he could see the parts of you that I've been kissing." which is incidentally from my fave Nickelback track "Animals" (which is also my ringtone XD).
A/N 2: Un-beta'd because I took so long to write it no one's had a chance to look over it. Posting it now because I have work tomorrow and I have a REALLY bad memory. Huge thanks to enchanted_jae who picked up on a major boo-boo *mwah* you rock my socks.

Without Your Love

Draco ducked his head as descended the stairs into the smoke filled club. He was dressed from head to toe in black; tight black jeans and an open black vest. He looked fine with a capital F and he knew it. Hell, he was Draco Malfoy, he was perfect. He looked from left to right when he got to the bottom few steps, it was pumping in here tonight. It had been too long since he’d been on the prowl and from first glances he could see there were at least a small handful who could fit his bill.

Smirking to himself he closed his eyes and let the bass pulse through him, gods, it felt so good. Opening his eyes, he swaggered down the last few steps, turning to look around him. Under the stairs, in the quasi-private area there were a few couples engaged in enthusiastic snogging and rather heavy petting, and in one corner-


Draco felt his stomach plummet, his mouth opening and closing several times over. This wasn’t possible. How was it that the one night he chose to go out, go back to where he had the most fun, where he felt free to be who he was, that he had to run into him of all people.

Well fuck him. Draco thought irritably. He wasn’t going to let this dampen his evening, he’d been in uncomfortable situations before. And as a bonus, Harry had even seen him yet. Draco had time to do what it was he was best at.

Draco looked behind him, towards the bar, and quickly back, Harry’s pink lips parting enthusiastically for that common Muggle whore to plunge into his mouth. His beautiful tanned hands running over arms and shoulders. Draco growled low in his throat, pushing himself away from the stairwell and towards the bar.

This was going to be one long fucking night.

An hour later, and Draco was pleasantly buzzed. He’d have a few drinks to drown his sorrows and steady his nerves while watching tonight’s game. His eyes fell over the length of a tall brunette. He wasn’t quite as muscular as Draco liked, but he was very nice to look at.

Tedious small talk took place, along with coy touches, and flirtatious glances. Draco couldn’t believe how nervous he was, but it didn’t matter. Draco let out a low laugh while letting his eyes run the length of dance floor.


There was one Harry Potter staring at them, his beautiful mouth hanging open, begging to be kissed. Draco mentally shook his head. No! He was not going to feel guilty. And he was NOT going to worry about what Harry was feeling. This was about his own satisfaction tonight. Physically shaking his head this time, he turned back to his companion, leaning in to kiss and suckle at his bobbing Adam’s apple. It felt wrong, what with Harry a few feet away, but he was a free man now, he needn’t feel guilty. Hell, a body was a body, regardless… wasn’t it?

Harry, it seemed, had other plans, and had come to stand less than a foot away; looking abashed as he stared down at his beautiful feet. Draco inwardly grimaced - he had to stop thinking like that, Harry wasn’t his… anymore.

Draco buried his head into the side of his companions neck, if only to shield him from Harry’s penetrating gaze. He could feel something coming from his former lover - but he wasn’t sure what; it was all muddled, and the alcohol he’d consumed wasn’t helping.

“Hello Harry,” he murmured, loud enough for Harry to hear over the din of the club. His lips seeking a better hiding spot where he could at least look upon that angelic face.

“Hello,” Harry seemed to have more to say, but his tongue either refused to cooperate, or Harry decided not to hold his tongue. Either way Draco was disappointed.

“Have you met my friend-” Draco paused, pulling back to look at his companion with a studious look before giggling and waving his hand dismissively. “Um, I dunno his name, but have you met him?”

Harry shook his head and looked away. Draco wanted to slap him, but the giggles continued. Fuck how much have I drunk? He wondered, lifting one of the full shot glasses to his lips to sip at the amber liquid. Shrugging he looked back at Harry, choking on the fiery liquid when Harry’s previous conquest wrapped his slimy hands around Harry’s waist before hooking his chin over his shoulder. Scowling, Draco looked away, throwing the now empty glass onto the counter - not caring that it splintered and sent shards flying every which way.

“This is Darren.” Harry mentioned, waving to the lump who was now firmly attached to Harry’s wonderful back.

Draco fought the urge to growl. Fought the desire to remind Harry that Darren was in his spot. Instead he simply grasped at whatever-his-name-was’ hand and dragged him past Harry towards the dance floor. Huffing as he past Harry and sniffed his delicious scent.

“Ex?” His companion asked. “And the name’s Simon.”

“Whatever.” Draco muttered, moving his hips in elegant slow circles - opposite to the beat of the music, but just as appealing - if not more.

Simon grasped at Draco’s hips, his tongue running the length of the column of Draco’s neck. A low moan emitting from Draco’s lips. Hands slid along bare skin, before lips joined and tongues danced. If he tried hard enough, Draco could almost imagine- Draco pulled back, and looked at Simon with a lust filled gaze. Closing his eyes, he tugged the man towards the area under the stairs, reclining invitingly on the wall before crooking his finger in invitation.

After a few moments of sloppy kissing, Simon was on his knees, sucking and kissing at the ridges of Draco’s pelvis. His tongue inadvertently slipping into the hollow of Draco’s bellybutton as he moved from one side of Draco’s body to the other.

“He’d be pissed if he could see the part’s of you that I’ve been kissing.” Simon murmured against Draco’s taut stomach. “Wouldn’t he?”

Draco turned his head to the side, he didn’t want to talk about Harry - not now. But, as if by the vengeful gods, Harry happened to be standing at the bar watching- his eyes bright with undefinable emotion. Draco bit down on his lip, trying to look away as Simon’s fingers pulled at buttons and zippers - but he couldn’t.

“I, I, I can’t-” Draco stammered, pushing Simon away before he could free his swelling erection. Zipping himself up, and covering his chest with both sides of the vest, Draco looked up to the ceiling. “I’m sorry.” he whispered. “I just can’t.”

Simon nodded, pressing a chaste kiss to the hollow of Draco’s neck, mentioning something about if he was interested at a later date to call him before pressing a card into Draco’s hand and moving away. Unwilling to move, Draco stayed leaning against the wall, looking upwards like a fallen angel praying for forgiveness for a few minutes (or what seemed like) before pushing himself up and trudging up the stairs. He didn’t even bother looking for Harry- what was the point?

Rubbing his face when he hit the cold air, Draco swallowed heavily. Ignoring the persistent urge to cry that was welling up in him. This was not the way he’d expected things to go. Slowly he began the long walk home, because honestly he could use the thinking time.

He didn’t get far before a deft hand reached out and grabbed him, kissing him furiously before letting him go. Shaken Draco looked into familiar green eyes, wondering where the hell Harry had come from.

“I saw you leave.” Harry said meekly, as if he could read Draco’s thoughts.

Draco’s mouth refused to work, he stood there gaping at Harry, a million and one thoughts running through his mind.

“Why?” he settled upon. Truthfully it could be taken any number of ways. Why did you come after me? Why did you come up to me tonight? Why did you just leave when I asked you too? Why didn’t you love me enough to stay? There where too many why’s.

Harry stood there looking at him, one hand coming out to stroke gently at Draco’s cheek. Against his better judgement, Draco closed his eyes and leant into that familiar and soothing touch, letting out a low, harsh breath he hadn’t even realised he’d been holding.

“I miss you.” Harry said firmly. “I want you. I’m barely existing without you. I-” Harry’s voice cracked and he looked away. “I need you. What do you want me to say, Draco? What haven’t I said that you need to hear before you’ll believe me?”

This was becoming too much, this was why he had never done relationships. This was why Harry had always been bad news for him. Harry was the only one who could shatter him and build him back up at the same time. Harry was the only one who had ever loved him for him, not because of his name, or his money - for who he was. A whiny little spoilt rich kid with a bad temper, who was incredibly vain and sometimes downright mean. But Harry had always seen right through that, when they had started a friendship, when they had started dating, when their relationship had become something undefinable; something deeper than either knew it could have been.

Without warning Draco grabbed hold of Harry’s shirt, pulling him in for a searing kiss. It lasted for minutes, hands and tongues becoming reacquainted with one another. Pulling away for some much needed air and a moment’s clarity, Draco noticed they were now standing in the middle of his lounge room. One of them, he wasn’t sure if it had been him or Harry, had Apparated them there.

“I’m sorry, Harry.” Draco cried, reaching out to touch whatever part of the other man he could. It was the most sincere apology he’d ever uttered. One that begged forgiveness for tonight. For that night months ago when he’d demanded in the heat of the moment that Harry leave and never come back. For all their petty arguments. For leaving the towels on the floor after a shower. For never replacing the empty milk containers. For snoring when he was drunk. It was an apology for everything he could think of at the moment.

Harry nodded, eying Draco hungrily before moving back in for another kiss. “I’m sorry, so sorry.” They both murmured through kisses. Fervent apologies while slowly undressing each other physically and emotionally.

They moved as one to the bedroom. A well rehearsed dance that saw them make it there without once running into a wall or a door. When they made it to the bedroom both were achingly hard and missing the shirts they had been wearing when they had arrived. This time it was Harry who pulled back, standing back from Draco, looking at him for moments on end. Moments that seemed to last forever. And as much as it hurt to admit it, Draco was scared for a moment that Harry would change his mind. Turn around and leave, never to be seen again.

“I’m so sorry, Draco.” Harry whispered, falling to his knees. “I meant to come back. I meant to do a million and one things… but I was scared. I was so scared that you’d never want to see me again - just like you said. I was so scared that I’d lost you forever.” Harry buried his face into Draco’s stomach as he spoke, his lips gently grazing the sensitive skin and Draco had to fight the urge to laugh it tickled so much.

Draco was vaguely aware of a sudden wetness rolling down his bared skin, then he heard the strangled sob, and felt Harry gasping for air.

“He meant nothing. I just wanted you!” Harry cried. “And then you were there and I was reminded that you aren’t mine anymore. I want you to be mine, Draco. Only mine. I can’t live without you.”

Harry was babbling now and Draco was fighting a burning lump in the back of his throat. Quietly he stroked Harry’s hair, unwilling to be separated, and unsure of what to say or do. Given the fragility of the situation and the desperation it seemed they were both sharing, one wrong word, one wrong move and everything could be gone - forever this time.

“Harry,” Draco called quietly, poising his fingers under Harry’s chin in order to lift it towards him. “Look at me. Harry, look at me.”

It took plenty of silent coaxing for Harry to raise his head from where it was pillowed on Draco’s abdomen. Draco’s usually hard grey eyes were unnaturally soft as he gently wiped the tears staining Harry’s cheek with his thumbs. Shushing him soothingly whilst helping him to his feet.

“You needn’t apologise, okay? You have nothing to feel bad about, or guilty for, do you understand me?” It hurt to say it, but Draco could see, could feel, how upset Harry was about everything that had happened. About the club. That night all those months ago. Hell, Draco knew that Harry was most probably apologising in his own way for anything he’d done in the last few weeks- it was just how Harry was.

Lightly, Draco stroked Harry’s cheek, wiping away stubborn tears every now and then. The fierce tightness with which Harry was holding onto Draco filled him with hope and desire. He knew that he wanted Harry back; unconditionally. He hoped that the way that Harry was holding on, that his recent vocalisations and that look in his eyes meant that Harry felt the same way.

“Draco,” Harry hiccuped. “Tell me the truth, please! Do you feel the same way? Do you want me?”

The desperation in Harry’s eyes was heartbreaking. Draco couldn’t think of anything he could say that would convince Harry that he felt the same way. That he’d been utterly miserable without him for the past few months. That it had hurt so much every time he’d thought about him, and that when he’d seen Harry tonight with that other man, that Draco had almost died.

Softly Draco pressed his lips to Harry’s, breathing a figurative sigh of relief when the other man began to move his lips with Draco’s. It was chaste to a tee. No invading tongues, just sweet and innocent. Reassurance in the form of a sacred kiss. Breaking the kiss ever so gently, Draco rested his forehead on Harry’s, pressing a light kiss to Harry’s nose.

“Harry,” he breathed. “I have missed you so much. I don’t know why I told you that I’ve never loved you, that I never wanted to see you again. It was all lies, I just wanted to hurt you. Truthfully, I’ve loved you since the moment I got to know you. And I always, always want to see you. It hurts not to be around you, it hurts not to touch you, not to kiss you, not to see you smile. I have never, ever loved anyone as much as I love you, and I don’t think I ever could.”

Harry shuddered in Draco’s arms, winding his arms tighter around Draco’s waist and pulling himself closer. Pressing his lips to Harry’s hair, Draco took a deep breath.

“Stay with me, Harry. Don’t ever leave me again, no matter what I say or do.”

Harry tilted his head up towards Draco, his emerald eyes burning bright, nodding ardently. “I’d like to see you try and get rid of me now.” he whispered.

Their lips met again; this time it was bruising, more passionate than before. Draco’s hands roamed over the toned planes of Harry’s chest, and the muscled flanks of his back, his tongue massaging and moving in sync with Harry’s. Draco felt Harry loop his index fingers through the loops of his slacks and pulled him towards the bed as he shuffled backwards.

“Please,” Harry begged in a throaty whisper. Quickly they divested each other of their cumbersome trousers and underwear, both deliciously naked as they laid down next to one another.

“Gods, Harry, I want you so bad.” Draco whispered, pressing open mouth kisses to the hollow of Harry’s throat. Harry moaned in response, pressing his body closer to Draco’s. Draco groaned throatily, pressing his own body further into Harry’s while rolling on top of him. In a tangle of limbs Draco leant up, his cock rubbing achingly against Harry’s as he reached into his bedside table for the lube.

“Tell me you want this, Harry.” he murmured, running his lips along Harry’s jaw up to the overly sensitive spot behind his ear.

“Want… Draco… want… so… bad. So bad.” Harry keened under Draco’s touch. Gasping for breath when Draco trailed his tongue through the smooth muscled grooves on his stomach, holding onto Draco when he dipped his tongue into navel and through the soft curls leading down towards his cock.

Draco quickly prepared his fingers before pushing one into Harry’s entrance, kissing him hungrily the whole while. Adding a second finger, Draco swallowed the lust-filled gasp from Harry, following the lines of Harry’s throat with wet kisses, burying his head into the side of Harry’s neck while entering a third finger.

“Fuck,” Harry swallowed heavily. “In me… now.”

Draco lifted his head to look up at Harry, pausing for a moment while he took in the look on Harry’s face. Grinning like a five year old in a lolly shop, Draco withdrew his fingers before positioning the blunt head of his cock at Harry’s entrance. Already he knew he wasn’t going to last long, but he fucking needed this - needed Harry.

Pushing forward both men groaned. Harry was hot and tight, just like he remembered, his passage pulsing hungrily around him.

“Draco, not… gnnh, gods.”

Draco reached between them, massaging Harry’s engorged prick in earnest as he pounded into Harry.

“Fuck, Harry.”

It only took a few more strokes before Harry was streaming over Draco’s hand and his own stomach. Draco drove once again into Harry, his hole clamping down around him, milking him as he came hard and deep inside Harry.

Quivering, Draco collapsed on top of Harry, rubbing his head into Harry’s chest, his hands sneaking up Harry’s side and under his shoulder, hooking around to hold onto him tight.

“Did you mean it, Draco?” Harry asked quietly after they’d both recovered from their intense orgasms.

“Yes, Harry. I meant it. I want you to stay.” Draco murmured sleepily. Quietly spelling the mess between them away before wrapping Harry up tightly in his arms and settling against the pillows. “Don’t leave me again.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”


=O I wrote like a happy ending ... well I guess it's true, wonder's never cease.

ficlet, harry potter, pairing: harry/draco, challenge: awdt

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