May Chatter Post

May 06, 2011 20:00

I noticed a lot of folks mentioning in the card requests that they are new, so I figured that maybe it's time for another chatter post!

How are you all doing? I know that here in the US there's been some serious weather going on, so I hope that everyone is healthy and happy and safe.

For the ice breaker topic, how about: weather! What's the ( Read more... )


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Comments 18

gandolforf May 7 2011, 01:31:03 UTC
Hello, I'm new.

My story is called Three Dimensions, and I write and post it on runaway_tales. My tag is here, if anyone is interested, though almost all posts are locked to the community (which has an open membership). The shortest way I have of explaining it is this: There are some guys, and they have this band, and some stuff happens: like SCANDAL and odd relationships and, uh, a small bit of time-travel. It's lgbtq-heavy and has lots of comedic moments as well as tragic.

Relevant to the post: One of my main characters, Jack Landon, can't stand hot weather. There is one instance in which the band travels to Australia for a tour and he attempts to leave the beautifully air-conditioned hotel...yeah, it doesn't happen XD


white_aster May 7 2011, 02:00:10 UTC
I so sympathize with Jack. Agh, heeaaaaat is evil. ._.

Welcome! Glad you could join us! :D


cornerofmadness May 7 2011, 02:48:49 UTC
I can't remember if i found out via findyourwords (I think) or a friend.

I do a whole host of stories, mostly fantasy (urban or otherwise), space opera or mystery. I can't concentrate on any one thing (as my end of the month posts prove)

Most of my scenes from this comm are locked in my LJ but I'm welcoming of new friends

I have published a few stories, though many of those are 15 years old and OOP.


white_aster May 7 2011, 02:58:57 UTC
findyourwords is possible! I do know tsuki_no_bara. Maybe she mentioned it. :D



cornerofmadness May 7 2011, 03:28:38 UTC
tsuki_no_bara has been, on occasion, pimping various writing communities so that's probably it.


jana_denardo May 7 2011, 03:10:05 UTC
Technically this is the erotica author's blog for another member of the group (so yes, that means I'm doing 2 cards a month which is why one or the other doesn't get the card done in time...)

I write just about any kind of erotica, m/m, f/m, f/f, threesomes/moresome, BDSM. Most of my stories have a fantasy/urban fantasy, light SF or mystery twists to them.

Last year was pretty good for me publication wise (see Dreamspinner Press and Circlet Press)


white_aster May 7 2011, 04:04:49 UTC
Yay, congratulations on your publications! :D


jana_denardo May 8 2011, 02:08:38 UTC
thank you


subluxate May 7 2011, 08:20:38 UTC
I'm also here from runaway_tales. I too lock my posts, but again, it's open membership. My tag is here. My universe, Polyfaceted, is shared with sarcasticsra and sunsetsinthewes.It's mainly about a very large family who happen to be very successful gangsters, but the job is secondary to their lives much of the time. We have, literally, approximately twenty main characters and three hundred minor ones; it's hard to keep it all straight sometimes!

Weather-wise, the main characters live in NYC. One of my favorites, Johnny, loves late spring/early summer, before it gets too hot. Another, Nicoletta, basically flips off the heat and wears inappropriate things like thigh-high leather boots in July, daring it to make her miserable.


sarcasticsra May 7 2011, 08:42:51 UTC
Oh Nic. I do love her for that.


subluxate May 7 2011, 09:00:29 UTC
And then she'll sometime do the opposite in winter--miniskirts, for instance. =P


white_aster May 7 2011, 15:11:24 UTC
Gangsters! <3! darthneko and I have an original verse kind of like that: the gangster is kind of secondary to the cast of fun characters. And the city they're in, which is kind of a character all on its own. :D


sarcasticsra May 7 2011, 08:39:46 UTC
Another here from runaway_tales! My tag. I am one of subluxate's aforementioned partners in crime when it comes to Polyfaceted. We actually have even more characters than she mentioned--upwards of four hundred minor, probably even more.

I also have a couple solo projects--Kansas City, 99 Cents, which is a future dystopia where the government has started selling off cities and eventually states in response to a growing financial crisis, opening the door for some shady organizations to try to take over. My other is The Sun From Both Sides, general realistic/literary fiction, with a focus on polyamory, that follows two families.

As for weather, most of my characters live in or near NYC, so many of them prefer cold to heat. In PF, this means many of them do things like stay inside their nice, air-conditioned homes, or visit private pool facilities. :)

One of my TSFBS characters looooves snow--her name is Mary. She likes to sit in her living room with a hot cup of coffee, fire roaring in the fireplace, and watch as it falls outside her window.


white_aster May 7 2011, 15:12:44 UTC
Wow, it definitely sounds like you've got your writing-hands full! Welcome to the comm, and we hope you find some inspiration! :D


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