Chatter Post!

Sep 21, 2010 21:44

Yay and welcome! First of all, thank EVERYONE for joining the comm! We've been tickled pink by the turnout, and we hope that everyone will have an awesome time writing and reading ( Read more... )


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Comments 25

white_aster September 22 2010, 02:21:42 UTC
I'll start! Hi, my name is Aster, and I am co-modding this comm/challengething along with the wonderful ! We decided to start Origfic Bingo after several years of playing with various bingo challenges and having tons of fun with them. This year, though, as the bingo population seemingly exploded, we found that our original character muses were flinging ideas at us in response to the bingo prompts...and none of the bingos we could find allowed original fiction! :O ( ... )


luckykitty September 22 2010, 13:56:46 UTC
Thank you SO much for setting this up. I'm excited! I will probably be pretty slow to accomplish a bingo though. :D

(Ha ha, would it make more sense to block the LJ comm comments and just have people reply/sign up on dreamwidth? I was wondering where all the members were until I poked around over there. Have signed up and will comment over there! :D)


white_aster September 22 2010, 16:00:41 UTC
We weren't sure how many people would join up over here. The problem is that if we block comments, then anyone who posts fics over here won't be able to get comments.... This comm was started so that anyone who was LJ based could post their stuff and wouldn't have to deal with DW if they didn't want to (and openID accounts can't post, so if we ran it totally on DW, everyone would have to get a DW account to play). If it ends up that most of the action is over on DW, we'll comment to that effect, and then it's really up to the LJ folks whether they want to post/interact over here or over there....


luckykitty September 22 2010, 16:36:19 UTC
Ahhhh, that makes sense!

Thanks again for running this. I'm so excited!!


bodgei September 23 2010, 23:14:00 UTC
I'm glad you guys did this, there aren't enough comms that are open to O fiction.

I have a DW log on - but none of my freinds are over there - so...


white_aster September 24 2010, 01:37:27 UTC
I know! I was kind of amazed when I realized that there were NO bingos that took origfic! Obviously, this needed to be rectified!

totally fine to hang out over here! There's a lot more players over on DW, but we're going to do our best to make both comms a fun place to play! :D


bodgei September 24 2010, 11:04:18 UTC
Oh it totaly needed to be rectified - this is my first bingo so we will see how I do.

Maybe it will give me a reason to check my DW journal.


sirwynai September 24 2010, 03:19:19 UTC
This sounds interesting; I need to get back to writing character based pieces. I'm thinking that I'll probably be using this year's Nano as my universe, which shall be interesting. :D So far it involves a Cabin Boy Ninja and a Samurai School Girl. More will be plotted out in October.


white_aster September 24 2010, 03:29:00 UTC
Cabin Boy Ninja and Samurai School Girl sound awesome! Also, perhaps, like ETERNAL RIVALS? Or maybe not. :D

I hope you have a great time playing!


sirwynai September 24 2010, 04:05:19 UTC
That would be an interesting twist to it. They're already just kind of friends at the moment, I think the Samurai girl has a stronger personality as I'm still poking the Cabin Boy Ninja into existence. Of course, I also get the feeling that he flies off into indignant rages against his Uncle, whom he is traveling with (hence the cabin boy). Now I need to come up with a kick ass villain. Also, I need to figure out who the tomb robbers and the King Killers are... But, I'm also trying not to plan out everything too soon. World building is for October. :D


scribbledscenes September 26 2010, 00:03:49 UTC
It's quite late, so my intro post will be brief.

I'm Sebrina, and I'm currently working a few projects that are encompassed in my own world/town/city, which is referred to as Winterhaven. 100% of my original fiction exists there. I'm hoping the bingo will help with scenes/chapters of the projects I have going, and if it doesn't, I'm hoping it will keep me on my toes, or help me learn more about my characters.


white_aster September 26 2010, 02:03:20 UTC
Good to hear from you! I hope that you find all the inspiration you can handle in this challenge! :D Prompts always help me figure out way more about my characters than I can usually use! ;P



scribbledscenes September 27 2010, 20:08:14 UTC
Thanks for the welcome.

I'm sure I'll find an incredible amount of inspiration. I'm super excited for the first now hehe.


evil_little_dog September 26 2010, 02:26:00 UTC
SJ here, and one of my friends pointed this community out to me a couple of days ago. We write stuff together and separately, so I may be writing in one of our shared 'verses or one of my own. I'm looking forward to this and hope it'll spur on some ideas for my charas/their worlds.


white_aster September 26 2010, 04:28:13 UTC
Glad to have you! I hope that you find a lot of inspiration! :D


evil_little_dog September 27 2010, 23:35:16 UTC
Me, too! I need to jumpstart some original characters.


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