BINGOsubstance abuse sunset stroll caught in the rain AU: Crossover / fusion friendship hallucinations / visions personal scent (incl. perfume / cologne) authority figures friend in need ritual sacrifice temperature possession / mind control FREE SPACE pregnancy (female or male) backstory / missing scene abandonment sleepy times imminent catastrophe reading aloud celebrity / notable person pretending to be married / couple social event (workplace) accidents mistaken identity genderswap
BINGOsubstance abuse sunset stroll caught in the rain AU: Crossover / fusion friendship hallucinations / visions personal scent (incl. perfume / cologne) authority figures friend in need ritual sacrifice temperature possession / mind control FREE SPACE pregnancy (female or male) backstory / missing scene abandonment sleepy times imminent catastrophe reading aloud celebrity / notable person pretending to be married / couple social event (workplace) accidents mistaken identity genderswap
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