How should I organize my recycle items in my kitchen? Should I use I separate trash can? My kitchen is a little small? I don't want too much clutter in there. Ideas? Thanks!
Well, do you have to separate your recyclables, or can you do "comingled"? We do comingled recycling here, so I have one open-topped can for kitchen garbage under the sink, and one closed-topped can lined with a paper bag for recyclables. That way, one can is tucked away under the sink, and one can is visible.
I have curb recycling and I use brown paper grocery sacks from Trader Joes. I keep a bunch on hand and I have one that I fill with the recycling near the trash can. When it is full, I take the bag out to my curb bin which is right outside our door.
When I took everything to a center, I used a few small trash cans, each holding a different material.
First, go you for recycling! I've been trying to set up a system which involves the square crates that stack. I put grocery bags in the bottom, cans in the top and stack them on top of each other. It doesn't overflow because I empty it every weekend at the drop-off place. I do separate the cans from the plastic by using trash bags inside the crates. That's what I have done now, anyways. I'll probably get a more glorified system later ;)
Comments 5
When I took everything to a center, I used a few small trash cans, each holding a different material.
Those are the best. They stack, and will stay open, or you can close them. Hope this helps :)
I've been trying to set up a system which involves the square crates that stack. I put grocery bags in the bottom, cans in the top and stack them on top of each other. It doesn't overflow because I empty it every weekend at the drop-off place. I do separate the cans from the plastic by using trash bags inside the crates. That's what I have done now, anyways. I'll probably get a more glorified system later ;)
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