Sure canon ships are fun, but isn't it more fun to manipulate canon? Don't you think it's better sometimes to use your imagination a little too much? Don't you wish you had more people like that on your f-list? Ah. Well, I'm supplying the answer to one of those questions.
No wank/debate/bashing! This is meant to be in good fun. Anyway, anon is
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Comments 91
Age: 19
The UC/NC ships: Cedric/Fleur, Harry/Hermione, Ron/Ginny, Draco/Ginny, Ron/Luna
Any canon ones as well? James/Lily, Bill/Fleur (but with a grain of a salt on this one)
Do you fic/vid the UC/NC? I have ficced Ced/Fleur quite a few times.
Other Fandoms: Veronica Mars, Doctor Who, Kingdom Hearts, The Office, House, Epico, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Supernatural, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, Big Brother, Amazing Race, Mean Girls, Bend It Like Beckham, X-Men, Celeb Kids
Anything else? I am the ruler of all thing Ced/Fleur. LOL. Or at least that's what my f-list tells me.
Age: 24
The UC/NC ships: Harry/Hermione, Cedric/Fleur, Ron/Luna
Any canon ones as well? Bill/Fleur, James/Lily
Do you fic/vid the UC/NC? I'm currently working on an H/Hr-related "Top 5" ficlet.
Other Fandoms: Battlestar Galactica, Epico, Family Guy, Friends, Grey's Anatomy, Samurai Champloo, Snudgeverse, Supernatural, The Hills Have Eyes, The Office (UK and US), Veronica Mars (Pathetically, I'm sure I'm forgetting some)
Anything else? Wicka Wicka BAM CHICKA!
Age: 18
The UC/NC ships: Draco/Ginny, Harry/Luna, Remus/Lily
Any canon ones as well? Ron/Hermione, James/Lily, Remus/Tonks
Do you fic/vid the UC/NC? I've ficced all the above mentioned.
Other Fandoms: Project Runway, House, Lost, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls
Anything else? I love, love, love to write.
I also like LOST, and the other couples that you mentioned. MAy I friend you???
Draco/Ginny, Harry/Luna, Veronica Mars. Friends? :D
Name: Nitya
Age: 17
The UC/NC ships: Cedric/Fleur, Harry/Hermione, Draco/Luna, Ron/Luna, Charlie/Hermione, Draco/Ginny, Percy/Hermione, Harry/Pansy, Fred/George/Hermione [Harry Potter], Mac/Cassidy, Mac/Dick, Logan/Meg [Veronica Mars]
Any canon ones as well? Bill/Fleur, Remus/Tonks, Mac/Cassidy
Do you fic/vid the UC/NC? I fic. :)
Other Fandoms: Lord of the Rings, various mangas and animes, The Secret Garden, Saved!, Bend It Like Beckham
Anything else? Nope.
May I add you?
Name: Karrie Veronica
Age: 16
Any canon ones as well? James/Lily!, Ron/Hermione
Do you fic/vid the UC/NC? Not yet, because I've only recently entered the ficcing and vidding world, but I will!
Other Fandoms: Veronica Mars♥, LOST, The Office (US), Life With Derek, Lord of the Rings, Moulin Rouge, Big Fish, and sooo many more.
Anything else? Popcorn chicken is so freaking good. *eats lunch*
SWEEET. me too.
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