[M-OOM] Korriban Corpses and Dead-ends

Nov 26, 2008 17:56

Revan frowns, beating back the sudden wave of nausea that hits as he stares down at the half-chewed carcass. It's rotting already, maggots finding a new home amongst the leftovers.

He detaches a communicator from his belt and clicks it on. It's a direct-line to Bastila at the Temple in Coruscant.

"Hey, Bas. I think I've found her. Looks like one of the wraids got to her."

He kneels down to inspect the body closer, the pungent ordor stronger there. The stench will probably stay with him for a couple of days. He reaches for an arm - or what's left of one, anyway - and holds it aloft into what little light there is in the tomb, brushing the festering maggots off of it as he does.

"I'd say she's been dead a week already, if not more. I'm taking a print now to confirm."

He slips a scanner from his belt, pressing the partial thumb to the screen. It comes back positive, the results flashing in front of him. She was young. No family. He scans the rest of it; pictures for the file.

"No, it's definitely her. I'm sending the results and images to you now. What do you want me to do with the body?"

He pockets the scanner. Bastila's silent on the other end for a few moments, no doubt looking over the data. She comes back with an urgent question on the other end.

"No, no foul play. C'mon, you're sensing the area too. There's no residual energy to suggest it."

He frowns grimly, flicking a lingering maggot off his sleeve. He makes sure to purge his system clean with the Force then; a standard in case of any infectious diseases the body might carry. He wouldn't want anything to spread to the girls.

"No, no, it's alright. I was coming to Korriban anyway. Saved you from having to send another Jedi to check it out."

He constructs a simple pyre for the Jedi, standing back then to watch as the flames quickly spread, spurned on by the Force to engulf the body.

She was with the Force now.

"No, I'm done here. There was nothing in the tomb. Not that I was expecting much; scavengers have picked this place clean. But I'm just trying to keep close to home for now; I'm headed back to the Enclave tonight to spend some time with the girls. Kira's still there, helping Mical out."

He's thinking of Onderon next though. He's heard word of a Naddist there, still existing after so many decades after Nadd's fall. It probably wasn't a true believer, not one he could learn much from anyway, but he'd follow any lead he had to piece information about the True Sith together and Freedon Nadd was the next Sith Lord on his list to look into.

(But his family comes first because he hasn't seen them in over a week. Not since he left on this dudd of an expedition to Korriban for one, possibly final, look around the place.)

"Right, well," he says into the communicator, "I've to make some repairs to the Hawk before night falls. I'll talk to you later."

He cuts the line, takes one last look at the now charred remains - a moment of silence for the fallen - and heads out into the day.

milliways oom

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