(no subject)

Oct 07, 2008 17:18

In retrospect, if Revan could have foreseen that one minor Force vision would have cost him his job at the space port, he'd probably have continued to suffer through the headaches a while longer. Only, one moment he was having a vision and the next he was putting in his two weeks.

Because, maybe after the vision it had seemed right to - that now was the time to stop playing house and return to the path he was once on - but now all he could think about were the concerns. Especially what Kira would think and with her looking to work with Jedi again, and where would he get money from to provide for the girls, and how the kriff was he was even supposed to do what he did with a family now. It wasn't exactly the most safe lifestyle he was looking at.

He couldn't take it back though. For one, even if the space port would let him, deep down, he knows it was time. It feels right, even with all of his concerns and all the hesitations that go along with the decision.

He'll just have to work at everything else as he goes along.

Starting with telling Kira...
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