Title: One Day Author: Logan Pairing: young!Billie/Mike Rating: PG Summary: If you asked Mike, and made him promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, he would admit to having a bit of a crush on the dark-haired boy.
I'm so glad you decided to post this one. Because it's so terrific and wonderful and lighthearted. They're so adorable it makes my heart adsfjhads. I also love their attitude towards that one.
Comments 4
Hehe, I guess Billie and Mike have to thank the homophobic bitch across the road for helping them get together!! xD
Billie's sister is epic win :D Like, srsly!
I can't wait to see what you write next! And, whatever it is, I hope you post it soon!!
But I still wanted to say ♥. Teenage!gay is so cute.
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