Title: Blues Like Me (55/56) Author: Logan Pairing: Billie/Mike Rating: R Previous Parts: (found here) Summary: It was his and in the end that was all that really mattered.
Okay, first of all, I love the diction and narration of this story. It's just perfect, and the emotion and drama, and fuck, I love this story so much. Secondly, I can't believe you're almost done. Holy fuck, this was a journey and you finished it and I'm so fucking proud of you.
I'm so proud of you, Logan. This story is one of the few reasons I've stuck with GD fandom. Thank you for sharing your awesomeness with me. I'm totally honored that I get to read your stuff before anyone else.
I literally have tears in my eyes. I cannot wait until the end, I want Billie and Mike to live happily ever after. I want them to have the life Mike's wanted for them from the beginning.
It's amazing how just being able to read this story has given me the most amazing view on life. Knowing that, even with all the bad stuff that happens in the world, there's still somebody that loves you at the end of the day, regardless of who they are.
I'm seriously going to miss this story. It's almost like a child that's so close to growing into adulthood, and I feel like I've been there every step of the way (even though I don't actually think I have).
Don't rush the last chapter. And, for the love of God, give Billie, Mike, Callie, Olivia and everyone else a happy ending!
Comments 4
I'm so proud of you, Logan. This story is one of the few reasons I've stuck with GD fandom. Thank you for sharing your awesomeness with me. I'm totally honored that I get to read your stuff before anyone else.
One more to go!
its so fucking amazing all the parts fucking amazing ♥
I cannot wait until the end, I want Billie and Mike to live happily ever after. I want them to have the life Mike's wanted for them from the beginning.
I hope everyone's okay, I hope it ends happily.
Erin xx
I'm seriously going to miss this story. It's almost like a child that's so close to growing into adulthood, and I feel like I've been there every step of the way (even though I don't actually think I have).
Don't rush the last chapter. And, for the love of God, give Billie, Mike, Callie, Olivia and everyone else a happy ending!
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