So I got this USB tablet, my first. I'm still very much getting used to using it, and it's proving surprisingly hard, since the way I hold my stylus means I keep pressing buttons on it by accident oops
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I've been in fandom for a couple of years, but I've only recently been trying to participate instead of soaking up everything I can.
I'm really glad you did come by! I wasn't even planning on looking at the slash fic listing -- wincest is my first favorite, but I was a little nervous about it my first time out -- but I saw your summary, and I'm just so in love with this trope (seriously, it is definitely a bulletproof kink for me, if you can have a bulletproof kink for a story form) that I couldn't resist.
I do have some questions for you, mostly about what you'd like to see! I'll email you tonight when I get home from work. My email address is throwawaybird at gmail dot com.
With the drawing stuff, I am so seriously out of practice, and it really shows here, I think. But I did used to love it a lot, and I'm trying to get back into the habit, and back in practice too!
And hee! I know you're a Dean fan, but in this case, the Dean drawing is empirically better! The Sam one got a little messy and out of control, I'm afraid.
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If you want a copy of the first draft or more info then my email is
Hope you didn't mind me coming over to say hi.
I'm really glad you did come by! I wasn't even planning on looking at the slash fic listing -- wincest is my first favorite, but I was a little nervous about it my first time out -- but I saw your summary, and I'm just so in love with this trope (seriously, it is definitely a bulletproof kink for me, if you can have a bulletproof kink for a story form) that I couldn't resist.
I do have some questions for you, mostly about what you'd like to see! I'll email you tonight when I get home from work. My email address is throwawaybird at gmail dot com.
And hee! I know you're a Dean fan, but in this case, the Dean drawing is empirically better! The Sam one got a little messy and out of control, I'm afraid.
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