Western Lovers: Cowboys & Biologists (15/33)

Sep 19, 2006 16:11

Title: Western Lovers: Cowboys and Biologists <15/33>
Beta the patient and talented charlieisagirl
Pairing: OB/DW
Rating: NC-17 for the series, and for this chapter.
Summary: David is a hard, jaded warrior, Orlando is a biologist tracking Big Cats on the Double L.
Feedback: Feedback is my writers crack, which is not to be confused at all with plumbers crack.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. These men whilst adorable and perfectly happy to slash themselves, their actual relationship is something that they only know. This story is adapted from a series of books that I adored when I was younger written by Elizabeth Lowell.
Word Count: 2506
Previous Story: Can be found here
Previous Ordaisy chapter: As suggested by mystery_ink can be found here
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3| Chapter 4| Chapter 5| Chapter 6| Chapter 7| Chapter 8| Chapter 9| Chapter 10| Chapter 11| Chapter 12| Chapter 13| Chapter 14

Posted to: fellowshippers, monaboyd and ordaisy
Header Art: Courtesy of the incredibly talented loki_girl.
Author’s Notes: Because this is a new chapter that I only added on the weekend, my poor overworked beta hasn’t had a chance to give this a look see yet. So any issues are mine, and will be corrected as soon as Charlie has had a chance to go over it for me. All fixed. I thought you’d forgive me, because otherwise there would have been a delay in the posting schedule. Special thanks to Dylan_dufresne.


David dragged his pack out of the back of the truck, smiling as Baby sidled up to him. He dropped his pack to the ground and knelt, rubbing his fingers through the wolf’s thick ruff.

“How’s your master?” David asked against Baby’s ear.

David grinned: Baby’s only response was to lick the side of his face.

Standing, David waited long enough to watch Baby run lithely across the clearing, disappearing amongst the trees, before he slung his pack over his shoulder and moved towards the cabin.

Pausing at the small window, he watched through the gap in the curtains. Orlando sat on his bedroll, his golden chest bare, his tousled curls finger combed, his worn button-fly jeans open as he sat lacing his heavy hiking boots, thick red socks disappearing under the worn leather. The flames licking at the wood in the hearth cast Orlando’s skin in rich golden tones and glinted at deep red highlights in the chocolate mane that framed Orlando’s face. A gentle smile curled David’s lips as he listened to the soft words tumbling from Orlando’s lips: a song that was unfamiliar to David, but in Orlando’s voice was soothing and calming and put a smile on the hardened warrior’s face.

Moving towards the door, David turned the doorknob slowly and stepped inside. Making no secret of his desire, David let his eyes rake up and down Orlando’s body, visually tasting the skin that his mouth hungered for.

Orlando looked up as David entered the cabin. He had known that David would be back sometime today. It had been seven days since he had left him alone and well-loved, his body aching in ways he never knew existed.

As they watched each other, David pushed his hand into his front pocket, drawing Orlando’s eyes to the impressive ridge of arousal he was making no effort to conceal. Withdrawing his hand, David tossed the contents of his hand onto the bedroll. Tearing his gaze from David’s crotch, Orlando let his eyes look at the small bottle that had been thrown. Lubricant.

Looking up at David’s face, he quirked one expressive eyebrow in question, a nervous smile tugging at his lips as he did, before turning his attention back to his boots and slowly and carefully untying the laces he had just finished lacing up. David watched, his fingers itching to reach out and help divest Orlando of the barriers of clothing that stood between them.

Pulling his feet from the boots, Orlando quickly flicked the thick hiking socks from his feet and turned so that he lay along his bed roll. The movement pushed his jeans low enough that dark curls pushed against the mostly open V of his jeans, his weight supported on his arms.

“I didn’t come here just to fuck you, Orli.” David growled.

“I know,” Orlando replied, one hand dropping to open the few closed buttons on his jeans.

“You don’t have to do this.” David’s teeth clenched together as he pressed his body back against the door.

“I want to,” he purred.

“What if I don’t?” David asked, his hands pressed flat against the wall behind him.

Orlando let his eyes travel up and down David’s body, pausing briefly as he gazed hungrily at David’s growing arousal. He shook his head slowly, curls bouncing around his face. “Your body says different.”

“I don’t take orders from my body,” David stated even as he pushed away from the wall.

“David?” Orlando spoke softly, almost plaintive.

“What?” David lifted his head to search Orlando’s eyes carefully.

“You’re wearing too many clothes.” He lifted his buttocks off the bedroll and started to slip his jeans over his hips.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” David whispered, as his fingers began to unbutton his shirt. “Have you forgotten last week? I hurt you.”

“Not one delicious minute.” Orlando pushed his jeans from his lower legs. “You’re right, you did. I did hurt, but not anymore.”

“I was wrong to hurt you.” David fell to his knees, letting one hand trail up Orlando’s bare leg.

“You didn’t really hurt me. I ached. I burned. Every time I moved I could feel that you’d been inside me. It wasn’t real pain, David, and if I were to be honest, I hated that the ache faded. But I don’t know what else to call it. It was the most exquisite pain I’ve ever felt in my life, and honestly to see the heaven that you give me, I’d suffer it every day of the week for you.”

“Don’t say things like that to me,” David moaned, his fingers trailing across the sun tattoo on Orlando’s lower belly.

“Why? Because you’ll believe them?” Orlando answered, reaching out to rub his fingertips across David’s denim-covered arousal.

“Because you’re better than that,” David replied, his shirt sliding down his arms and falling pooled on the floor behind him.

“Better than wanting you, needing you, buried deep inside me.” Orlando shrugged. “I want you, you want me, this doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that for now.”

“For now.” David nodded, rising to kneel beside Orlando, his trembling fingers struggling with his belt as he fought to get out of his jeans.

“Hurry up, David.” Orlando tugged at the zipper, his fingers brushing across David’s arousal as he fought with the jeans.

David pushed Orlando’s hands away and opened his jeans, pushing them down his hips quickly. The denim was barely past his thighs before Orlando closed his long fingers around David’s arousal, stroking slowly.

“Don’t--” David growled. “Too much. Too soon.”

One long arm brushed David’s shoulder as his fingers cupped David’s neck, pulling him down low enough to kiss him wetly. “So? We’ve got all day.”

“Don’t tempt me, Fairytale Boy.” David spoke against Orlando’s lips.

“Well, maybe you’d better stop tempting me.” His mouth trailed over David’s face, kissing and licking as he went, his fingers passing across David’s chest to twist his nipples gently.

As he lowered himself against Orlando’s body, David’s large hands caught Orlando’s and he held both in one of his own above Orlando’s head. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, Orlando.”

Orlando lifted his head, closing his teeth gently on David’s neck, nipping at the soft skin sharply. “Oh, I’m fairly certain the invitation is clear.”

“You’re incorrigible, you know that?” David tilted his head to allow better access.

“Mmmm, I would have gone with impatient...” Orlando licked from David’s shoulder to his ear.

“Insatiable.” David added; his hips rocked against Orlando’s.

“I like that one.” Orlando caught David’s earlobe in his teeth and tugged on it gently. “We can work with that.”

“If you don’t behave yourself, this will be over before we can work with anything,” David gasped as Orlando wrapped his legs around David’s hips and undulated against him.

“I didn’t think you were all talk and no action.” Orlando whispered into his ear, following his words with the tip of his tongue.

“That a threat?” David looked up into Orlando’s flushed face, his free hand sliding down Orlando’s body to wrap around his arousal and stroke him slowly.

“I’d like to think of it as more of a challenge,” Orlando gasped, his hips pushing up, his heels digging into David’s buttocks.

Releasing Orlando’s hands, David unwound Orlando’s legs from around his hips. Trailing his mouth across Orlando’s face and throat, he pressed soft, wet kisses across his golden chest. The fingers of one hand twisted Orlando’s pert nipple gently as he laved the other with his long, wet tongue. Smiling at Orlando’s uninhibited response, arching up into him, struggling to get as close as he could.

“Patience, Fairytale Boy.”

“Thought we’d established I’m impatient.” Orlando whimpered as David’s mouth trailed across his taut belly.

“We’ll have to work on that,” David chuckled, his beard brushing against Orlando’s insistent arousal as his tongue circled Orlando’s navel.

“If that means more of this, I’m all for extra instruction.” Orlando gasped brokenly, one hand clenching in David’s hair, the other gripping a fistful of the down-filled sleeping bag they lay on.

“Think you might need a tutor?” David growled, his tongue darting out to lick at the tattoo on Orlando’s belly.

“Depends.” Orlando groaned, “There’s a rigorous interview procedure, several testing sessions. Know anyone who might be…interested?” His hips arched involuntarily, desperate for friction on his burning arousal.

“I’m not sure,” David grinned, as his teeth nipped at the tattoo gently. “I guess I could be enticed.”

“You guess?” Orlando threw his head back, a strangled moan leaving his lips as David closed his lips over the tip of Orlando’s arousal.

His tongue flicking relentlessly across Orlando’s arousal, strong hands gripped Orlando’s hips as he thrust up into David’s mouth. David chanced to look up at his young lover.

All semblance of control vanished. Orlando’s head was thrown back, his entire body taut with need, perspiration glowing on his skin. He had never been more attractive to David: wanton, desperate and throbbing. Opening his mouth wider, David’s lips slid down the length of Orlando’s arousal and sucked hard, his tongue swirling around the throbbing flesh. The stunned howl of satisfaction that left Orlando’s lips was the only warning that David received before Orlando succumbed to the desperate longing that washed over him and found his release.

As Orlando melted back boneless against the bedroll, David tenderly released the softening flesh from his mouth and slid back up his body.

“So do I get the job?” David lay beside him, slowly swirling his fingertips across Orlando’s heaving chest, his lips pressing against the younger man’s neck.

“Was there ever any doubt?” Orlando murmured, turning his face to meet David’s lips.

“I hope not.” His mouth slid across Orlando’s wetly.

“Thank you for coming back.” Orlando rolled towards David, wrapping his arms around him and deepening their kiss.

David pulled back slowly. “I tried to stay away, but you’re like a fire in my blood, Fairytale Boy. I couldn’t. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not,” Orlando murmured. “One day at a time, Warrior, we can do this. Nothing matters but what happens when we’re together. Physical, I don’t expect romance or emotion.”

“Are you sure you can deal with that?” David leaned over him, one hand brushing the curls back from Orlando’s brow.

“If it gives me you, I can deal with anything.” Orlando replied as David’s hand cupped the back of his head, long fingers caressing Orlando’s soft curls as he pulled him into a long, deep kiss.

“Careful what you wish for, Fairytale Boy. I’m a hard, cruel bastard. I’ll eat you alive and won’t even realize I’m doing it.”

“I’m a big boy, David, I know what I’m doing.” Orlando’s hands trailed across David’s belly and his long fingers closed around David’s insistent arousal.

“I hope so.” David groaned, his hips pushing into Orlando’s grip.

Orlando moved against David, burying his face against his hairy chest as he spoke. “I know what I want, too,” he murmured, his tongue licking one nipple before he lifted his face. “I want you inside me, David.”

“Do you think that’s wise?” David frowned. “You said you were sore.” David’s hand gently caressed Orlando’s hip.

“I was. Operative word: was.” Orlando’s hands slid across David’s length. “I want you, David.”

Orlando’s hand groped across the bedroll clumsily and pressed the small bottle into David’s hand. “You won’t hurt me, David.”

As he flipped the cap open with his thumb, David rolled Orlando onto his back and lowered his mouth to brush teasingly across Orlando’s lips. His fingers slick with the silken liquid, David traced across Orlando’s skin. Long, slender fingers brushed delicately across Orlando’s entrance. David’s mouth captured Orlando’s mewls of pleasure as he slid one slick finger into his body. Even as he pushed his finger deeper inside his lover, Orlando ground himself onto David’s hand.

Orlando wrapped his arm around David’s shoulder, trailing kisses across David’s sleek beard. “More David, please.”

Pressing a second finger inside him, David crooked, letting the tips brush across the spongy bundle of nerves he found, his lips curving into a smile against Orlando’s skin. His fingers twisted and scissored, brushing against Orlando’s sweet spot over and over as he writhed under David wantonly.

“No more.” Orlando whimpered, his head tossing against the sleeping bag, his hips pushing onto David’s fingers.

David’s hand stopped moving, his lips curving into a teasing grin as he looked into Orlando’s face. “You want me to stop then?” he asked, his voice husky.

“Nooooo!” Orlando wailed, his fingers grasping David’s shoulders, pulling him against his body, wordlessly begging for what he wanted. “I want you. Fuck me, David!”

“Thought you’d never ask.” David murmured, squeezing a dollop of the slippery liquid from the bottle onto Orlando’s palm. Needing no further encouragement, Orlando slid his hand between their bodies. He closed his hand around David’s burning arousal, the cold liquid drawing a hiss from David’s lips only to be captured by Orlando’s mouth.

Holding his weight on his elbows, he settled between Orlando’s thighs and pressed against his entrance, pushing slowly inside him.

As David’s weight settled against him, inside him, and David’s long fingers tangled in his hair, Orlando’s breath left him in a long gasp. His legs wrapped around David’s hips, pulling him deeper into his body; his heels pressed against David’s buttocks as the tension seeped from his body.

“Thought the invitation was unspoken.” Orlando groaned as David’s hips pulled back and he plunged slowly back into Orlando’s tight body.

“I’ll. Have. To. Remember. That.” David whispered against Orlando’s throat, every word punctuated with a long, slow thrust of his hips.

“Forgetting s’not an option.” Orlando’s hands trailed down David’s back, his fingers tracing corded muscles lightly. They danced across David’s buttocks, pushing him harder, deeper into him, his heels drumming against strong thighs. Orlando’s renewed erection ground between their bodies, abraded by the rough hair covering David’s belly, every undulating movement drawing him closer to incoherency. David laced his fingers through Orlando’s hair and looked into his face.

“Look at yourself.” David whispered against Orlando’s lips. “So wanton, so desperate, so hungry….all for me.” His hips thrust, faster, harder.

“Only for you...” Orlando growled, one hand lifting cup David’s head and pull him back for a wet, hungry kiss. “Rather look at you.”

“See the fire in your eyes, feel you tight around me,” David murmured, sliding his hand down Orlando’s body until he closed his fingers around arousal. “Feel you hot and throbbing in my hand, taste you on my tongue.”

“You’re making me crazy,” Orlando whimpered. “Please, David, let go, for me.”

Pressing his lips against Orlando’s throat, stringing wet, open-mouthed kisses across Orlando’s golden flesh, David moved his hands to those hips and rolled onto his back.

Looking into Orlando’s face, David watched the surprise in the rich, passion-glazed eyes as he laced their fingers together.

Orlando rested his weight against David’s hands, his thighs gripping David’s hips tightly, his hips undulating slowly, his eyes closing as new sensations washed over him.

“You like that, don’t you?” David growled, his hips thrusting upwards, plunging into Orlando’s tight heat.

“‘S good. So good…”

Gently disentangling their fingers, he rested Orlando’s hands on his firm chest. Clasping Orlando’s hip with one strong hand, his other hand closed around his arousal, stroking with a tight grip.

“Can’t…” Orlando groaned. Torn between thrusting down onto David’s body or up into his grasp, his entire body trembled with his need for the promise of release that was tormenting him.

“Don’t.” David grunted as his body frantically pounded up into Orlando’s clenching heat, struggling to maintain even a sliver of control.

“Please” Orlando breathed as his body arched into a taut bow, clenched tightly around his lover as his release pulsed across David’s fingers and belly.

As Orlando collapsed against him, David rolled, thrusting into Orlando erratically, relentlessly until he could bear the sensations no longer. The tight grip of Orlando’s body tore his release from him, and pulsing deep inside his lover’s body, he fell lethargically against Orlando’s golden chest and twisted their embrace sideways.

“Don’t what?” Orlando asked quietly, his breath warm against David’s neck.

“Don’t wait for me, ever,” David whispered into his hair, his fingers tracing across Orlando’s soaked back.

Lifting his head, Orlando slid a wet kiss against David’s mouth. Struggling desperately not to tell David of the depth of his emotions, Orlando kissed him gently, tenderly, conveying more with one kiss than his words ever could.

His fingers twisting gently in Orlando’s curls, David pulled his mouth back from Orlando’s, looking into his eyes, searchingly.

“Are you sure you’re alright with this?” David murmured, his hands stroking Orlando’s skin tenderly as he spoke.

“This?” Orlando frowned, his own fingers tangling in the hair that covered David’s chest.

“Us. Like this.” David explained, his intent blue gaze probing Orlando’s eyes.

“You won’t touch me any other way, will you?” Orlando asked innocently.

“I won’t hurt you. So, no.” David shook his head, never breaking their gaze.

Orlando closed his eyes briefly, swallowed his need to wrap his emotions around the man that he loved beyond all reason. Opening his eyes and looking bravely into David’s searching blue gaze, he gave the answer that David needed. “Fuck-buddies it is then.” Orlando smiled at David, pressing his lips against David’s again, desperate to put an end to the conversation and forget the heavy hand around his heart.

Chapter 16


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