
Nov 01, 2006 13:13

A-Anou.. Ranmaru is certain such was not the appearance of the cat-costume Ranmaru got with Chihaya-san to match with his mouse outfit..

Yet somehow, Ranmaru feels the need to groom.. )

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littleblackcait November 1 2006, 14:35:48 UTC
.... err.... Ranmaru? What on Gaia's going on down there, anyway? Are you feeling all right? You're acting rather... kittenish.


littleblackcait November 2 2006, 03:00:22 UTC
........ um. I'm... fond of you... too? But, um... what... are you... doing with your-!!!

Ah- Cait's taking a while with that milk, isn't he? Why don't I go look for him!

((ooc: *DIES*. That's a priceless and evil image and I love you for it. XD Reeve's trying to stand up and dislodge Ranmaru now without hurting him. XD ))


orchidcircle November 2 2006, 03:07:31 UTC
Purrrr.. Are we going somewhere~? Mewww.. Ranmaru wants to go too! Mewwww~ Now Ranmaru can make Reeve-san warmer..

[ooc; Always happy to serve. X3 He can stand, Ranmaru's simply going to wrap his legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders and suckle his ear. >D]


littleblackcait November 2 2006, 03:18:21 UTC
I was more thinking a very cold shower but-


... ow. Ok, why don't we just stay like... this for a bit? Though... er... it's starting to get a little too warm in here.... Why do I feel like a cornered mouse?

((ooc: ohman. Reeve just kinda fell back on his butt- he wasn't ready to balance another person on him! So now he's just flushing and trying to keep his cool. XD ))


orchidcircle November 2 2006, 03:22:46 UTC
Hehehe! ♥ Purrr.. If Reeve-san wants.. this is nicer. Mewww~ Ranmaru likes mice.. they're yummy.. Mew.. A-Ah.. Reeve-san..

[ooc; Ran just repositions enough to be pinning him down and the rubbing continues. And..naughty blushy reactions. Thus the gasp. X3]


littleblackcait November 2 2006, 03:37:26 UTC
.... er, Ran... maru? .... ahh- Er, careful.... much more and this old man won't- ah... won't be responsible for his actions....

((ooc: ... this is killing Reeve. *dies* Lap full of squirmyloveykittyboy! ♥ And... oh man. This is so wrong. And so beautiful in its wrongness. ♥))


orchidcircle November 2 2006, 03:55:49 UTC
Reeve-san can purr play too.. Ah~!... Purrrr...... with Ranmaru... mewww..

Reeve-san looks like Reeve-san needs a lick.. Purrr..

[ooc; Oh dear god. Reeve's getting some free loving. X3 ♥ This is indeed gorgeous. X3]


littleblackcait November 2 2006, 04:08:58 UTC
nnn... Oh Gaia... ah- I- er... I-

... what's that saying? 'When in Rome...'? Heh... Well, you're a cute kitty, anyway....

((ooc: This is where Reeve gives into his horrible fate and scritchies Ranmaru under the chin and behind his ears. <3 Yeah, he can't turn down the free catboy lovin'. XD ))


orchidcircle November 2 2006, 04:24:04 UTC
.. ♥ Reeve-sa--ahhh..n~~

[ooc; Cue Ranmaru reacting in pretty purrs and sighs and yes, some naughtiness can ensue. X3 Along with playful nipping of Reeve's fingers. XD]


littleblackcait November 2 2006, 04:48:23 UTC
.... heheh. You- ah- you do realize- mmm... that I- you know what? It's not important....

((ooc: ... *DED* XD ohmantheimages. The naughty~ ♥ The petting! *rolls* mymindisSOinthegutternow))


orchidcircle November 2 2006, 05:15:59 UTC
Purrr~! Nyaao..? Realize.. what..? Mew.. Reeve-san..? Mewwwrrr..

[ooc; ... I was waiting for you to dive in, my darling. ♥]


littleblackcait November 2 2006, 05:23:57 UTC
... heheh. You're- mmm-- you're cute when you purr, you know that?

((ooc: .... cannonball! :D *splash* Right into the gutter! ♥ ))


orchidcircle November 2 2006, 05:38:32 UTC
Reeve-san's.. pretty..purrr..... when he looks like that.. Mewww.... N.. Y..ahhh!

[ooc; We'regoingtohellforthis. XD]


littleblackcait November 2 2006, 05:47:07 UTC
OhGaia-... mmm, but Ranmaru's much- nnn.... much prettier when he... does... that-

((ooc: wesoarebutit'sWORTHit. <3 ))


orchidcircle November 2 2006, 05:55:46 UTC
Purrr..Reeve-san.. Ranmaru.. feels really warm... Mewwr..... It tickles...Purrr..

[ooc; Itsois... mypoorwarrior.<3 He gets more men as a kitty than anything. XD ]


littleblackcait November 2 2006, 06:09:48 UTC
Now you know... heheh... ahhh- know how I felt wi- mmm... your tail tickles too, y'know.

((ooc: butbutbutcatboy! x3 Nekomimi mode~ And... yeah, who can resist the Ranmaru-kitty?))


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