Title: On As Before Rating: R Fandom: The Good Wife Pairing: Alicia/Will (Alicia/Peter, Will/Helena) Notes: Many thanks to rossaka. Companion piece: Childish Things Summary: He kisses her, after their first semester Property final.
Well, yes. The thing that I find most enjoyable (and most frustrating) about writing from a single character's POV (even moreso in something I'm tweaking now than in this) is how unreliable that POV often is, or how skewed. That is, yeah, my heart breaks for him, but knowing the unspoken other side of the story in my head? My heart breaks for her just as much.
A companion piece may happen yet. I've got 48 hours until the end of my last semester of undergrad, and my plan, once papers are done and take home finals submitted is to curl up in bed with a pot of tea and not move for a week. Writing may well happen.
Comments 9
...unless of course, you write Alicia a companion fic. ;D
A companion piece may happen yet. I've got 48 hours until the end of my last semester of undergrad, and my plan, once papers are done and take home finals submitted is to curl up in bed with a pot of tea and not move for a week. Writing may well happen.
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