Title: Ghosts Rating: R Fandom: The Good Wife Pairing: Alicia/Will Summary: He can't keep doing this. He can't keep living with her ghost. W/A, set in 5x05 through 5x11. Sequel to "After." Series: Rule Nor Reason (4/5).
I like the way you write this pairing, especially their Georgetown years. Where is the 5th installment of Rule Nor Reason? Avid fan waiting for a sequel :)
It's coming, soon-ish. Canon threw my brain for a loop, then exams meant I spent 3 weeks of 18 hour days in the library. A draft is with my betas now, though it needs a fair bit of work before it's ready for posting. Sometime this summer, though, it will go up.
Comments 2
It's coming, soon-ish. Canon threw my brain for a loop, then exams meant I spent 3 weeks of 18 hour days in the library. A draft is with my betas now, though it needs a fair bit of work before it's ready for posting. Sometime this summer, though, it will go up.
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