I have heard of football; I just wish it would stopsolanpolarnJanuary 15 2012, 12:26:30 UTC
Oh thank you for sharing that! I love David Mitchell. He hosted a program called "The Bubble" where people were cut off from all news feeds for a week and then brought on to answer questions about the stories of the week. It wasn't that good; the premise somehow didn't work that well, but in one of the episodes he makes this off-hand comment about football that just proves to me that he is a very sane man. You can see it at 1:27 in this clip:
Re: I have heard of football; I just wish it would stoporangerfulJanuary 15 2012, 18:11:55 UTC
LOL! That was great. Though what a horrible show idea!! Why are the British obsessed with taking their people who are funny on series shows and making them HOST game shows????
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