there's a crazy cat playing next to me while I type this....

Jan 27, 2010 23:30

Oooh they keep talking about snow and snowstorms this weekend. I'm trying to not get my hopes up, but I"m scheduled to work Saturday and it would be so SWEET to get a snow day. Or even a delayed opening. But since I'm aware of the snow, my guess is that it will completely miss us ( Read more... )

video_games, tv:lots, muppets, video, actors

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Comments 12

rhi_anna January 28 2010, 05:54:14 UTC

ekaterin24 January 28 2010, 14:37:06 UTC
Hugh and Elmo are great fun together! (I have to say, Hugh is cuter)


orangerful January 29 2010, 16:51:58 UTC
oh Hugh is DEF. cuter!


(The comment has been removed)

orangerful January 29 2010, 16:53:04 UTC
I figure they will kill Leo and crush Cara's soul anyway so I'm just enjoying it while it lasts. I mean, can we really have two Seekers? That or it will be like Buffy/Faith and Leo will go dark side...who knows!


stinabug87 January 28 2010, 18:06:09 UTC
Thanks for the welcome!

Nicci is so annoying! I knew from the start that she couldn't be trusted. But I have read the books so I figure she had to be bad. lol

Love your Indiana Jones icon btw!


orangerful January 29 2010, 16:54:55 UTC
Just saw a clip from Attack of the Show and it looks like she'll be back pretty soon. Ah well. Maybe Zedd will set her on fire.

Thanks! I don't have very many Indy icons...I should make more.


stinabug87 January 29 2010, 17:56:16 UTC
Haha. That would be awesome!

Cool. :D


faeriesfolly January 28 2010, 23:28:14 UTC
Zevran always stands behind me. (Sometimes for more reasons than one. lol)

But when he gets the opportunity to betray you (siding with the other assassin) if you don't have over 60% of his approval he will betray you. This last play through (where I was shooting for the 'easy lover' achievement), I saved up the majority of my gifts and before we even left the field where he ambushes you in the first place, he was at 80% approval. haha.

Next thing I knew he was telling me I had to break it off with Alistair.


orangerful January 29 2010, 16:51:07 UTC
Next game I'm making a shexy-human-mage (probably gonna name her Codex) and then Zevran can come along with me and be my rogue hehe. Probably let Shen out too. I've pretty much only been playing with Alistair, Morrigan and Wynne.

It's too bad Dwarves can't be Mages...I want a Mary Sue dwarf that is the ONLY dwarf that can be a mage and everyone tells me how awesome I am. Why doesn't Bioware let me???


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