bad fangirl

Dec 02, 2009 23:04

ACK! I haven't watched this past week's episode of Legend of the Seeker and spoilery icons are starting to pop up on LJ!!!! AIEEE!! Maybe I will watch it tomorrow after I get home from work. This week has just been so crazy. New couch, Imogen concert, working an extra night...AH ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

colls December 3 2009, 13:30:52 UTC
we don't have a heck of a lot of Billboards in Maryland
There's one on 95 heading South that changes images - always distracts me.

random comment is random. :)


orangerful December 3 2009, 16:23:39 UTC
Maybe they are all on the south side, I don't drive 95 in that direction very much. Perhaps the one that changes makes up for the 8 that were right outside of Philly.

And it IS distracting! Because you want to watch and see what it changes too!!! I know I've caught myself trying to watch the one on 895 out of my peripherals.

also, that icon rocks.


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