stop with the decade memes please

Nov 17, 2019 13:17

I hadn't really thought about the fact that a new decade was starting until all these damn twitter memes started up with "where were you" and "what have you done" and "photos of you ( Read more... )

random, meme

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Comments 16

i_love_freddie November 17 2019, 18:50:39 UTC
I feel exactly the same way.


cracked_belle November 17 2019, 19:44:13 UTC
But as an adult who has had a bit of a messy few years, turns out I don't really *want* to go back and look at things from 2009 or think about things from 2009 and the stuff that has happened in the past ten years[.]

are you purposefully reading my mind?


orangerful November 18 2019, 01:36:55 UTC
It just means we have truly lived! (and to truly live, you gotta do some stupid shit and then not talk about it)


cracked_belle November 18 2019, 02:08:24 UTC


ragnarok_08 November 18 2019, 00:09:09 UTC
I know that feel!


rogueslayer452 November 18 2019, 03:09:15 UTC
I feel the same way. If I ever want to look back at my life, ten years or so, I'll do it in my own time when I'm ready to. But for social media to basically turn this into a meme and act like this is something everyone needs to be doing, it seems bizarre to me. I'm not on social media, but I've seen this around and it's just not my jam at all.

Like, if other people want to share and reflect, that's fine. But don't make this into a "you have to" kind of thing. Sometimes people don't want to revisit those times for personal reasons, or simply because they don't want to.


sideshow November 18 2019, 15:51:20 UTC
I get that. At the end of every year I like to do "favourite tv shows/albums of the year" and I'll do that kinda thing for the decade too, but only ever focus on the entertainment side. Looking back on the personal stuff isn't fun.

Mind you, I haven't actually seen any decade memes yet.


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