It makes me want to go back and pick up Arrow since it's apparently the same 'verse and Arrow's city is nearby (er...though I guess that is all relative if The Flash is running there?)
Aaaand right after I posted this, I got cocky and tried to attack some spiders and killed her. **sigh** I never learn! That's okay because she was going crazy. Just started a new game with the Strong Man who amuses me every time he says "The scary time is coming!"
In light of stuff like GamerGate and other incidences of online bullying, you'd think Facebook would understand why someone might want to use a fake name. Personally, I think it's ridiculous how ten years ago, if I admitted to using a fake name online people still thought I was putting myself in danger, but now people put their real details out there for the world to find, and sites like Facebook even want to discourage people from doing otherwise. I have two accounts - a real one, where I post mundane things for a general audience, and one with a fake name originally meant for fandomy stuff, but in general I post things I may not want my parents, boss, clients at work, or anyone else who knows me or knows of me to find.
... sorry for the rant, I know that was a really offhand comment.
The whole "fake" name vs "real" name is so stupid and it's all Facebook's fault for forcing it upon everyone so many years ago. Of course, when FB first launched it was EXCLUSIVELY for college students (er, well people with a .edu email address...which I still had even though I had graduated). Anyway, once it became open to everyone, they should have dropped that stupid policy. I don't have my real name up there anymore because of that very reason. Only site with my real name is LinkedIn. (It probably wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who I am but it would take less time to attack someone who puts it all out there).
I'm REALLY curious about 'Ello now - they just signed some legal document promising never to sell user data OR sell ads on the site. Not sure how they plan to create enough revenue to stay afloat but I'm rooting for them.
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... sorry for the rant, I know that was a really offhand comment.
The whole "fake" name vs "real" name is so stupid and it's all Facebook's fault for forcing it upon everyone so many years ago. Of course, when FB first launched it was EXCLUSIVELY for college students (er, well people with a .edu email address...which I still had even though I had graduated). Anyway, once it became open to everyone, they should have dropped that stupid policy. I don't have my real name up there anymore because of that very reason. Only site with my real name is LinkedIn. (It probably wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who I am but it would take less time to attack someone who puts it all out there).
I'm REALLY curious about 'Ello now - they just signed some legal document promising never to sell user data OR sell ads on the site. Not sure how they plan to create enough revenue to stay afloat but I'm rooting for them.
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