Title: Under Different Circumstances
Chapter 277/?: Froid
Characters: Jean-Pierre, Vincent
Genre: Romance
Rating for this chapter: K+
Pairings: Jean-PierrexVincent
Summary: A series of short stories showing the evolution between Vincent and Jean-Pierre.
This chapter summary: Idk.
Under Different Circumstances
Under Different Circumstances
“Froid, froid, froid, froid, froid.”/ “Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold.” Jean-Pierre skipped out of the washroom, completely naked and made his way quickly to his bed. Vincent, who was already there, removed his glasses, putting them on the night table, before he pulled back the covers, making room for his husband.
“If you actually dressed, like normal people, you wouldn’t be cold.” He moved over, as Jean-Pierre jumped beside him, snuggling close. Vincent threw the covers back over their bodies, while his partner pulled him flush against him.
“Mais si j’m’habillais, j’pourrais pas m’coller sur toi. Pis de toute manière, on est bien ici. Y fait chaud sous les couvertes, avec toi.”/ “But if I dressed, I wouldn’t be able to cuddle to you. And anyways, it’s comfy here. It’s nice and warm, under the blankets, with you.” Jean-Pierre snaked an arm around his waist and nuzzled his neck.
“You’re ridiculous, do you know that?” The comment made Jean-Pierre laugh. He kissed him lovingly and Vincent settled in his arms.
“Peut-être, mais tu m’aimes.”/ “Maybe, but you love me.”
“For some absurd reason, I do. I’ve fallen madly in love with you and there seems to be no cure for it.” He mock pouted.
“Une chance. J’vais pas m’en plaindre.”/ “Thank God. I won’t complain.” Jean-Pierre grinned. Vincent caressed the side of his body and rested his hand on his thigh. He gently knead his skin, Jean-Pierre giving a content little sigh.
“And it also helps that you have a very easy body on the eyes.” He added.
“J’croyais espérer que tu m’aimes pour plus que mon apparence physique.”/ “I hoped you loved me for more than my physical appearance.”
“Of course! I’m not that shallow, jeez. However, your physical appearance helps. You have a beautiful body.” He told him honestly.
“Pis si j’étais obèse?”/ “And what if I was obese?”
“I would help you get to a healthy weight. As long as you’re healthy, that’s all that matters. I don’t care what you look like - maimed, injured, less muscles, more fat, whatever. It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re healthy and that your physical condition won’t be detrimental to you.”
“C’est bon à savoir.”/ “It’s good to know.”
“I’ll always love you, no matter what. You’re the love of my life. No questions asked.” He declared. Jean-Pierre smiled brightly and kissed him once more. Vincent ran his hand down his back and Jean-Pierre did the same, slipping his own under Vincent’s shirt.
“Moi aussi. Toujours.”/ “Me too. Always.” He murmured back, when they pulled away. Vincent twinned their legs together and Jean-Pierre closed off the light, falling back in their cocoon of blankets and warmth.
Started writing: October 16th 2014, 11:57am
Finished writing: October 16th 2014, 12:41pm
Started typing: November 30th 2014, 12:11pm
Finished typing: November 30th 2014, 12:24pm