Title: So Precious Is Your Normality
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Cobb
Rating: PG
Warnings: Movie spoilers?
Length: 3,274 words
Summary: The day-to-day things are what makes him smile.
A/N: Sharing this way is somewhat scary. Just saying.;; Anyway, original prompt is
here. Best pictorial inspiration or best pictorial inspiration? |D
So Precious Is Your Normality )
Comments 24
Arthur always prepare a drink for Dom prior to when he gets home. It starts off light on Monday’s, and as the week progresses, the liquor gets a little stronger.
Yes of course it would. SO CUTE.
And this:
When they cook, Dom takes the stove; Arthur handles the prep work. They share dish-washing duties, swapping between one day and the next.
I want to get married RIGHT NOW. ;_;
/is ded
this fill is awesome, i will be rereading and rereading <3
Thank you so, so much for your lovely comment. It brought a big, goofy smile to my face. ♥!
All I have to say is adfkjgkla
I don't really like domestic!fic but holy hot Jesus this is basically the best one I have ever read, and I just. It's perfect. There's no words. Oh god this warms my heart, breaks my heart [no idea why, wtf] kills me and is just all around making me all starry-eyed. 10/10
Thank you for reading!
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