Fic: Letters. (Terminator: TSCC, John/Cameron, PG)

Jan 08, 2013 22:19

Letters. Terminator:TSCC, John/Cameron, PGish. This is a sequel of sorts to Dancers, a John/Cameron fic that I wrote ages and ages ago. I still miss them. If I were being fair, I would warn for character death, but this is time travel. We can pretend it never happens.

"Your handwriting is supposed to say something about you," Harper says, ( Read more... )

john/cameron, emotions, fic: terminator scc, fic: pg

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Comments 1

ghostrunner7 January 9 2013, 18:17:09 UTC
Oh, Jesus. I... I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be doing something but I have no idea what it is, now.

This is beautiful and horrible.


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