Fic: "For Want of a Nail" 1/? (Cara/Kahlan, Legend of the Seeker)

Jun 09, 2010 20:10

Title: For Want of a Nail
Author: orange_creative
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Pairing(s): Cara/Kahlan, Cara/Dahlia-friendship
Rating: PG (for now)
Summary: The Spell of Undoing changed much more than ever expected.
Spoilers: Through the S2 finale, but this is a completely AU verse. Very, very AU, but so very familiar.
word count: 2,735
A/N: I should mention ( Read more... )

fic: for want of a nail, femslash, fanfic, cara/kahlan, legend of the seeker

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Comments 18

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orange_creative June 15 2010, 04:12:33 UTC
mini!Cara would totally be a hero. I can't imagine her any other way (okay, I can, but it's not as fun).


lurkete June 10 2010, 07:24:45 UTC
please continue :)


orange_creative June 15 2010, 04:12:50 UTC
No worries! I certainly will.


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orange_creative June 15 2010, 04:13:27 UTC
This is DEFINITELY that bigger fic project. I've been doing but letting the plot bunnies procreate while I've been on my road trip.


musicffyou June 10 2010, 16:47:54 UTC
My goodness this is gonna be amazing I can already tell. If this was just a one shot it would be awesome but the fact that you plan to go on makes me soo happy. Also your writting is really good and the fact that you show us how nobel and kind Cara was is a great contrast to what we see after the Mord-Sith are done with her.

Please update soon :D


orange_creative June 15 2010, 04:14:55 UTC
I love the idea of what Cara was before her BAMF training. Thanks for reading. :)


mayireadtoday June 10 2010, 18:46:52 UTC
Very heart-breaking -- Cara as a Mord'Sith without Dahlia or vice versa.


orange_creative June 15 2010, 04:15:33 UTC
It's so wrong when they're not together. *shakes head and mutters* Frakkin' Zedd...


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