holy relic: permissions

Jul 27, 2010 23:43

As the Oracle, Rachel can see both past and future. From the start, her powers will be more or less off. Right now, she's level 1, so her predictions are only a few minutes ahead and may even come late. Regardless, even if it's short term, her predictions are still accurate! Since powers grow as you level, she will gradually be able to predict farther and farther ahead.

So! If you'd like Rachel to be able to see your character's past or future, please fill out the permissions form below. A warning in advance, her predictions almost always vague and open to interpretation. Things may only make sense when the events she references come to pass. Your character is also not obliged to listen to her.

character name & journal:

how far back can Rachel see? (Please give me events, not chapters/episodes/etc.)
any important events she's likely to see? (Or that you want her to see.)
what don't you want mentioned?
do you want her to predict the future? (If yes, please specify when & the kind of prediction, whether positive or negative and such! For example, your character can go to her before heading out to battle, and she can either predict they'll come back safely or get their ass kicked. Or it could be a more ordinary situation. OR you can just leave it open for whatever I come up with at the time.)
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