034. Not Enough.

Dec 31, 2005 11:51

Title: Culpable
Fandom: House, MD
Characters: Eric Foreman/Robert Chase
Prompt: 034. Not Enough.
Word Count: 272
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A simple offer is just not enough for Chase

are you thinking about, Chase?” Chase looked up from his crossword and
sucked thoughtfully on the end of his candy cane before replying
succinctly, “Number thirty three down.” Foreman chuckled a little, the
pompous chuckle he used when he was explaining something to
over-worried parents or nervous interns.

“Sure it’s only about
thirty-three down? The answer to that is adolescence, by the way.
Eleven letter word for the stage of life between childhood and
adulthood.” Foreman was right behind Chase then, breath ruffling his
hair slightly. Chase bit his lip and turned around, almost convinced
that Foreman knew what he was doing when he teased like that.

tonight, Chase? My place?” Chase thought about it. His heart wanted him
to jump at the chance, his cock saw it as an opportunity to get some
ass and his brain told him he was being irrational. Foreman wasn’t
interested. Foreman would never be interested in a man. Wasn’t in his
nature: he was all about climbing social ladders, reaching that next
rung and planning on how to achieve the one after that. Climbing those
social ladders meant having a gorgeous wife, adorable children and a
perfect house in the suburbs not fucking your male coworker in a back
room in between patients.

“Busy tonight. Rounds. Thanks though.”
Chase tried not to cringe when he saw Foreman’s face fall slightly. It
wasn’t his fault he wasn’t enough. It wasn’t his fault that he was too
much. It definitely wasn’t his fault that he was everything Chase
thought about at night. The blame was all Chase’s.

chase/foreman, fanfic100

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