Title: Call Me Hans 9/? Characters: Landa Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: QT owns everything important. (in the fic, anyway) Warnings: In this chapter: strangulation, sex Summary: Somebody's got a fetish. Only, you know, continued.
These two chapters were interesting interludes--I'm curious to see how this growing relationship affects Julie's relationship to her work, as well as to see where Hans plans to take it. Will he maintain that distance that allows him to manipulate her, or will he be pulled into having greater feelings for her? Although Hans is so sophisticated, it's hard to imagine him falling in love with such an innocent. But the idea of him being caught between having feelings for her and wanting to manipulate her is tantalizing, to say the least. I can't wait to read your next chapter!
Well, to be quite honest there isn't really any evidence to suggest he does. These past two chapters were all in Julie's head (now I'm worried that wasn't clear) so it's not so much that he's suddenly this new person, as this is the person she wants him to be--if that makes sense. Asphyxia fixation and all.
I'm toying with exactly what his response would be if she suddenly grew a spine and made her preference known, that is, her wanting him back to the "old Hans", clean shaven and Brylcreemed and all. I'm sensing great amusement. But then I've thought way too long about this.
Comments 4
Thank you so very much for posting more chapters! I'm delighted to read them. Please write more! :-D
These two chapters were interesting interludes--I'm curious to see how this growing relationship affects Julie's relationship to her work, as well as to see where Hans plans to take it. Will he maintain that distance that allows him to manipulate her, or will he be pulled into having greater feelings for her? Although Hans is so sophisticated, it's hard to imagine him falling in love with such an innocent. But the idea of him being caught between having feelings for her and wanting to manipulate her is tantalizing, to say the least. I can't wait to read your next chapter!
I'm toying with exactly what his response would be if she suddenly grew a spine and made her preference known, that is, her wanting him back to the "old Hans", clean shaven and Brylcreemed and all. I'm sensing great amusement. But then I've thought way too long about this.
Thanks for reading!
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