The response was overwhelming, so welcome one and all to the Open Vein Writing Summer Fic Challenge! We had a fairly even distribution of opinions on how long everyone wanted the Comment Party to last, so we've figured out a solution for everyone. All summer, through the end of August, each month, will host it's own separate comment party!
Prompting will be allowed for two weeks. Didn't get the chance to fill one in June? You can carry it over into July, or even August! If you reply to the prompt with "Next month" I will automatically move them to the intro post, so you can go right to filling them (of course, you can do this yourself if you forget to comment, but I want to make this as easy for everyone as possible). Participate in as many months or as few as you'd like- you don't have to commit to three months of fic.
From this moment until June 30, 2019 this post is open and ready for comments! Here's how it works:
Well, it's a chance for us to kill, maim, break play with our characters, with other people's characters, with new characters all in a safe and encouraging environment. Especially for those of you who have been waiting for a chance to show off your writing skills. :)
More questions?
Examples of prompts:
[fandom] Playing on the Line: AJ returns to the studio
[fandom] original: Evidence of Damage: Gina talks to Carlos' mother about her own family
Any fandom, any characters: Death Becomes Him
Any fandom, any characters: the stick is blue
The "any" prompts are ALWAYS popular.
If you have something you want someone specific to write, make sure you tag them in the comment so that the attention is grabbed! And don't be ashamed to not only prompt for yourself but write for yourself as well! A lot of writers use the fic parties as a chance to get certain plot bunnies out of their heads and out into the world.
So for the next two weeks, we are going to go commenting crazy. Is there a scene you've always wanted to write for your own characters, is there a scene you want to see a writer do for other characters, is there a character you want to get to know better? This is your chance to prompt.
Quick answer to a common question - can you answer the prompts as soon as they are posted? YES!
We will be allowing prompts to be filled right away! See something that inspires you? Don't wait! Go and comment to it. We will just be closing prompts on the 16th. But don't worry if you didn't get a chance to post a prompt. Remember: the challenge is going on all summer, and prompting will re-open again on July 1!
1. Round robins are totally accepted and encouraged!
2. Absolutely any sort of prompt is fair game, just so long as it stays respectful of community members, characters, and actors or musicians who are used as faces for our characters (meaning no RPF). If someone prompts something that you don't enjoy, there's really no need to tell them that they're a terrible person or anything; just don't write/read fic for it. Slash, femslash, het, and gen are ALL welcome.
3. Any rating or content is fair game, but please label any explicit fic with NC-17/FRAO/Adult in the subject line and/or in the comment before the fic. Please also be mindful of others and label any potentially triggering fic similarly [dubious or non-consensual sexual content, character death, etc]. While we're talking warnings, you might want to warn for spoilers. You don't have to, because a lot of us don't share fandoms, but it might be a heads up if say, you have inside info on an episode that has not yet aired.
4. Have fun! That's an absolute requirement. Feel free to answer your own prompts, answer as many prompts as you like, and answer prompts more than once. Go nuts! If your fic won't fit in one comment, post it to your personal or fic journal and leave the link in a comment. Please don't post it to the community as its own entry; at the end of commentfic, a roundup will be posted.
5. Don't forget to encourage the authors who fill your prompts!
6. Fics are posted to this post in the comments and we let the fun grow and grow and grow ...
Again, remember: Even though prompting closes June 16th, commenting is open from now until June 30th. Anyone is able to comment on any prompt they wish. Even if it is not your fandom. Yes, even if it is not your fandom. Especially if it is not your fandom. It is a great way to see how people see your characters.
And then we're done and your friendly neighborhood mods will put up a post that links the fics. :)
If you are interested and this post has totally confused you, comment with questions! :)
Part of the fun of this is not just to play in the really active fandoms but to also bring some of the quieter characters out of the woodwork. It's your chance to get to know original characters, faded characters, and to let those forgotten characters out of the closet a bit. :)
So, the Summer Fic Challenge: June Edition has begun! June prompting starts now and goes through 11:30 pm on Sunday, June 16. Writing goes from now through 11:30 pm on Sunday, June 30th. And if you enjoy the June Edition, the July Edition will shortly follow.
Happy writing!