you mean the internet, right?

Dec 22, 2011 10:14

It's not news to anyone that I've been on a Doctor Who high lately. Last night was spent watching the last episodes of season 4 and now I'm downloading the specials and missing David Tennant already. Such an amazing Doctor.

Meanwhile, though, I'm trying to entertain myself by writting some fic in order to keep myself awake. I believe it's going to be a hard task, I'll be falling asleep on top of the computer any minute now, but I'm trying nonetheless.

Tabla Te...
01.I want you.02.I hate you.03. I love you.04.I miss you.05.I need you.06.Bonus.*07.I remember you.08.I'll forget you.

Snagged from minutitos and translated into english.
* Number six was originally Te detesto, which means "I detest you", which I looked up and means the same as "I hate you", so that's why I ignored it.

doctor who, prompt

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