Title: Late In The Evening Author: nothorse Rating: R, for allusions? Word Count: 100 Prompt: Dash Character: Willow, Kennedy Spoilers: post-Chosen Disclaimer: Not mine. No money.
Speaking as a big Tara fan...
May 5 2009, 20:15:05 UTC
Hi, really kinda like this. Thru fanfic I've got to like Kennedy a whole lot since the TV series ended, so yeah, I like this. I think Tara would like to see Will be happy with someone too, but... given her record over the years, I'd want Kenn to be a tad more cautious, and make sure she keeps an eye on her wife, once they do get spliced.
Nicely done, Still under Willow & Tara's spell, Ray Harley, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland. kerkevik@btinternet.com
Well, as far as I know, her last name was never canonically fixed, not even whether "Kennedy" is a first or a last name. And her family's house had wings...
Thanks. I still don't get what people dislike about Kennedy. She's self-assured, sexually open, fun and not to forget hot. All that you want in a daughter or a girlfriend.
Comments 12
really kinda like this. Thru fanfic I've got to like Kennedy a whole lot since the TV series ended, so yeah, I like this. I think Tara would like to see Will be happy with someone too, but... given her record over the years, I'd want Kenn to be a tad more cautious, and make sure she keeps an eye on her wife, once they do get spliced.
Nicely done,
Still under Willow & Tara's spell,
Ray Harley, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland.
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