Mar 11, 2013 09:35
Title: Damn Ghost!
Charachters: Gunn/Spike
Prompt: Ghost
Summary: ATS S5
Rating: PG13
Disclaime: Not my charachters.
After last night Gunn had been sure he'd never want to take a leak again. Damn, that was embarassing. Hope Angel got his chair cleaned. Life used to be so simple. See vampire, kill vampire. Hard to tell friend from foe now.
He did like the upmarket threads though; the respect his new knowledge brought. Downside, it got him a little tense. Nice to have a few moments to himself, for a bit of relief.
'Geez mate. I was sure you could pull enough birds to have that taken care of, for you.'
'You bastard, Spike! Get out! Damn ghost!.'