Arcade Fire

May 22, 2011 18:19

Title: Arcade Fire
Author: Emelye
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Arcade
Characters/Pairing: Buffy

It wasn’t going to work with the Immortal. Bringing her to the Galleria in Milan was magnificent. The designers, the people watching, the cafes…

But he just didn’t get it. Why she would happily have traded an espresso in the Arcade for mochas at the Sunnydale Mall with her best friends.

Prada and Gucci were nice. But it was the Italian Happy Meal toys she treasured, tucked safely in her Louis Vuitton satchel until she could give them to Willow and Xander.

He scoffed at the cheap, plastic toys. He couldn’t understand her friends.

He could never truly love her.

the immortal, post-series, buffy/immortal, buffy

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