A Mother's Dreams Prompt: Star/Stars

Apr 12, 2011 18:06

Title: A Mother's Dreams
Prompt: Star/Stars
Timeline: Season Five
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not Joss, just me, no money, just love


So Spike had a crush on Buffy?

Joyce didn’t know if she should cry, laugh or find that axe she once used on Spike.

She had  told Angel she wanted a normal life for her daughter.

One with picnics on sunny days,  fat grandchildren, and no slaying.

Now Joyce knew more about Buffy being the Slayer.

She knew the dangers of what was out there in the dark.

Maybe normal was not just going to happen for her daughter.

Joyce saw Spike for the strong, loving man he could be.

Maybe picnics under the stars would be just as romantic.

joyce, btvs5

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