things I have committed myself to write...

Oct 31, 2010 23:59

Okay. MUST get all of this done before November 1st. I can do it. I clearly don't need to devote much time to university... *looks around innocently*

Help Pakistan McShep - is written, sort of, needs betaing...I kind of hate it, but...I really expected to hate it
Predators awesomeness for irony_rocks . plotty and moving ahead at gritty breakneck speed. This is good!!
JC babyfic on Earth for frazzled (and gates_hepburn and k8_rab ...) - I do have a decent amount of this written I just keep getting distracted.
JC ficlet for secret exchange. - off to beta
Beverly/Kathryn smut. - done! but wow do I need to do that again. many many times...
Beverly/Kathryn - KJ saves Beverly from peril.***** - tabled until November. Because that just has Nano written all over it.

and then:

Magnus/Freelander - post-Hero for trialia
Janeway/Chakotay "Hair!Fic or Borglettes!Fic or Arachnia/Chaotica fic." - for caffey
Janeway/Crusher "morning after" and stupid pet names - for spaltor
Morguase/Morgana for - Doylefan22
Janeway/Weir - for xfairy1013
Voyager toilet fic - for k8_rab
Janeway/Borg Queen fic? Creepy and written in present tense - for shayenne
Picard/Crusher stories that I am currently in the middle of *oparu whistles innocently* - for debbiebiv
Sparky without vampires for - mylittleredgirl
Crusher/Janeway/Chakotay for lylo369

***** - I can't wait to write this. The back of my silly little mind DESPERATELY wants to start that but I can't until November, even though I've spent ridiculous amounts of time plotting and researching viruses. I just have to write Janeway vs the Borg Queen to save her girlfriend. (no, NOT SEVEN. Seven is her baby, and NOT in the sexy use of the term.)

things i have to do!

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