ficlet: "One night in Athos" SGA in the True Blood 'verse AU (Sparky!)

Sep 29, 2010 21:19

Title: One night in Athos
Author: Oparu
Rating: PG
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 1314
Summary: In a True Blood style universe, John works in a coffee shop to pay rent. One night his first vampire walks in...

Notes: for ankareeda with my apologies if you don't watch True Blood. You really don't need to know much ( Read more... )

ficlet, sparky

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Comments 13

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oparu September 29 2010, 20:48:45 UTC
hee thanks! I thought between the two of them...John definitely had to be the goofy waiter and Elizabeth screamed vampire. ;)


odakota_rose September 29 2010, 21:09:51 UTC
Awesome role reversal here, vampire!Elizabeth is epic.

Ranging from Sparklers, which made no sense to her at all and had something to do with some dreadful motion picture,

*dies* WIN.

He also liked flying because it got him up away from the minds of his fellow human beings. Who all had the annoying habit of thinking in a way that John could hear.

I can see this, it's so him, especially within the context of this 'verse. Lovely little detail :)

And, guh... the ending. Please tell me that's not the actual ending, and more of a "let's-just-end-the-chapter-here-so-y'all-can-remember-to-breathe" type ending? XD

e for spelling fail.


oparu September 30 2010, 00:08:10 UTC
I do love poking at the published badfic... :D

John is capable of being an adorkable anything. it's his skill. *nods*

thank you very much! I don't know if there's more. maybe?


violettavalery September 29 2010, 21:58:50 UTC
Yesssss write more. Awesome.


oparu September 30 2010, 00:08:52 UTC
thank you!! *coughs* enabler *coughs*


ankareeda September 29 2010, 22:56:49 UTC
I don't know True Blood, but you totally sold the story to me. AWESOME! Elizabeth ruled and John is too cute for words. THANK YOU SO MUCH! ♥

For someone her age, not knowing how to react was exciting.
Much like his hair.
Which she had to stop looking at.



oparu September 30 2010, 00:12:10 UTC
ooo hooray!! Elizabeth is just fun when she oozes power, and John's such a lovely geek.

glad you liked it. :)

John's hair is its own little entity.


lylo369 September 29 2010, 23:02:28 UTC
I liked it. I have never watched True Blood and only got about 1/2 an hour into the "dreadful motion picture." But you wrote it broadly enough so that I didn't have to be into those things to understand them (although I am vaguely familiar with Stargage Atlantis.)

Loved how you described how she fit into society somewhere between her kind and was intriguing. To be honest, there was something familiar about how it felt...the intellectual stimulation she got from John. It felt like when I turned 40 and I realized that everyone around me was just turning 21 and all they talked about was shopping and "hotness" and cars. It makes it all the more arousing when something or someone comes around that is different and fascinating. He's sweet and interesting and has a vibe about him that really DOES make you bite down on your lip and get a little "hungry"!

LOVED the concept too! Are you going to continue this story?


oparu September 30 2010, 00:13:35 UTC
I just stole the rules for vampires from True Blood.

I think you hit it. It's...finding something intriguing after being alone for a very long time. And he's cute!

maybe? I don't know. depends on timing...


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