Title: It reminds me of the time...
(Challenge:) Time (In a really strange way...)
Character/s: Zoro / Sanji
Song: Harder, better, faster, stronger
Artist: Daft Punk (L)
Rating: T
Warnings: It's a continuation of
this (by
slowsunrise )and also inspired by
this (by
sybile ). Here is also the
third chapter!Disclaimers: I don't own Daft Punk or Sanji and Zoro~
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"Well, at least you didn't seem to break any bones."
He couldn't believe what that shitty cocky bastard had said. There he had done his utmost to impress on the beautiful ladies and pathetic men, only to be told that he was shy of a beginner. He hadn't broken a bone in ages, for fuck's sake! He couldn't even remember the last time it had happened. So no, that green haired dude had to have some kind of visual defect if he thought that Sanji was a beginner.
It was six years since he had started breaking and even if he couldn't call himself a b-boy completely, he still had the skills and passion for the dance. So as the circle of people had broken up after his performance, and before he had gotten a chance to see the asshole dance himself, he had voiced a challenge to the green haired teen, not taking no for an answer. And now he had been waiting outside the gym hall for almost an hour, smoking through half a package of cigarettes. How shitty long time could it take to get some things and leave the building?
As he threw the now burnt out cigarette to the ground and stomped on it, another curse slipped over his lips when he took another one from the package and lit the tip. Then, the door behind him opened and three people emerged; two boys with black hair, one straight and the other with curls, and one with green.
"About damn time, mosshead. I almost started to think that you'd chickened out."
"As if." The other's hoarse baritone drifted to him in a strange way, the sound sending electric impulses running down his spine. But he shook his head and ignored it, he wasn't there to look for a partner, but for a fight. With no more words exchanged other than some short introductions from the other guys, Monkey D. Luffy and Lang Neus Usopp, they walked over to the parking.
The marimo, who's name apparently was Lolonoa Zoro as Luffy pointed out, dropped his bag on the ground before retrieving a pair of gloves from it.
"We're gonna do it here on the asphalt?"
"Yeah, 's a problem?"
"Shit no." Blowing out some smoke, the blonde watches as Zoro picks up his mobile phone, pushing the buttons before finding what he was looking for. Suddenly, he throws it as Sanji who catches it with ease, looking down on the display to read 'Daft Punk - Harder, better, faster, stronger'.
"Start it whenever you feel like it." The green haired teen starts to loosen up his muscles, rolling his shoulders and taking some easy steps as a warm-up. Dancing to the original version, kinda hard... But he ignores it and pushes the 'Play'-button anyway, trying to catch the other of guard.
Only he doesn't. As soon as the first tune rings from the speaker, Lolonoa is frozen, only small twitches in his shoulders betraying him as a living being. And then he starts to move and time seems to stand still for the blonde. His movements are flowing and jerky all at the same time, filled with a purpose and hidden strength. As the beat pics up, he drops to the ground, does a simple flare, before he goes on to an Air Flare standing on his head.
Clearly, he is a Power Head... Standing completely still in chock, Sanji can do nothing but watch as the other goes down to his arms again and continues to do series of Flares, before the music ends and he ends his break with the same pike as Sanji did earlier. In the remaining silence, the blonde realizes that his cigarette has fallen from his lips and that he has been holding his breath.
A smug grin is on Zoro's face as he looks up at the gawking man, the cheers from his friends seemingly not becoming him at all, as he jumps up and pulls down his shirt to cover his ripped abs.
"Like what you see?" His mouth dry, the blonde man can for once not find the words for a good retort, only one thought in his head; It had been ages since he had last wanted someone as much as he wanted the man before him.