PAGE TWO: It's okay, you guys can request again!

Sep 13, 2008 17:40


Or, free-for-all-fic, or fic free-for-all, or fic-for-all, whatever phrasing floats your boat.


Filled | Unfilled (BOTH posts updated to about half of page three, updated Sept 21, 11-something pm, GMT -5 ( Read more... )

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anonymous September 16 2008, 14:14:04 UTC
I have no excuse for this. I read a fic in another fandom some time ago and find it an intriguing and badwrong!hot idea.

Genderswap rape.

Um, so let's victimize Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, maybe by way of a perverted devil fruit user with the power to change people's sex who likes to humiliate his enemies this way.

And for a change let's have Nami and Robin to the rescue and helping them with the aftermath and their new bodies if they're stuck that way.

Doesn't have to include explicit badwrong porn. Not that I would say no to that. But it's the idea that I find fascinating.

And, yep, no excuse. None at all. I hang my head in shame.


Seconded!!! anonymous September 16 2008, 16:22:40 UTC
Sounds awesome!Although I took your 'rape' part seriously and was like WOW! That's going to be something! And then when I saw you were more loose on the sex part I was actually a little disappointed.

GOd! I am horrible! I want girly Zoro, Sanji, Luffy (or at least one of them, pref Sanji or Zoro) to be raped as a girl?! I am so so so very wrong.

In anycase I look forward to what this prompt brings!


Re: Seconded!!! anonymous September 16 2008, 16:30:27 UTC
(OP) I wavered on the sex part because if I have to pick, it's the idea really fascinates me in a bad way. But yeah, I would love the sex part included, but I don't want to put anyone off writing the scenario by saying I want it graphic because anything including this would be awesome to me.

badwronghorrible! Yes. Absolutely. butdamniwannaseeit...

Luffy gotta be in there though. I wasn't really looking for a ZoSan thing, I want the trio.


OP edit anonymous September 16 2008, 17:51:31 UTC
Okay, yes, it's true, you got me, I really do want the badwrong porn.

But I would still jump on you with glee if it was referenced in flashback or non-explicit.

Also, doesn't matter if it only focuses on one character's point of view so long as all three are included in the fic.


Re: OP edit anonymous September 16 2008, 17:56:04 UTC
(same commenter as before)

Oh? your admission has intrigued me...I might pick this up myself when I am done with another prompt then!


Re: OP edit anonymous September 16 2008, 18:08:42 UTC

I guess when you're asking for genderswap rape to start with there's not a lot of point being cautious about the details...


anonymous September 25 2008, 14:28:13 UTC
If, and I say if, I write something for this, would it be okay if I still refer to the guys as men? I have a thing against when people who get genderswapped in fic suddenly become that other gender in the eyes of both themselves and the people who know them.

And would it be okay if the change isn't permanent?


anonymous September 25 2008, 16:11:38 UTC
(OP) Yes and yes. Absolutely fine. I'm happy for you to interpret the prompt how you like. And thank you for considering it!


Tripple rapes for their pleasure part 1A anonymous September 28 2008, 17:54:35 UTC
Nami noticed immediately something was terribly wrong with the monster trio…for one they were clearly women, second they were attached to the wall with way too much skin exposed, but the most alarming thing was how beaten and defeated they seemed. The air had been thick with depression when she and Robin had crashed in, she hadn’t even considered it could have been coming from her nakama ( ... )


Re: Tripple rapes for their pleasure part 2A anonymous September 28 2008, 17:57:16 UTC
Sanji had actually been the last one to be pinned to the wall. The bastard Pirate captain that had put all the village ladys in danger was about to go down with one more punch, kick, or slash…whoever got there first. Sanji had meant it to be him but he spotted movement to his left and dodged out of instinct as curved steel meant for him slammed into a newly landed Luffy sending him through the air and into the wall. Another four slabs of metal quickly followed rendering him immobile ( ... )


Re: Tripple rapes for their pleasure part 2B anonymous September 28 2008, 17:59:28 UTC
He struggled to make the pillow legs move. They flopped around uselessly mocking his attempt. The triplets were above him. One was crewing on a hunk of metal, one was laughing while kicking the chefs pillowy left boot, and the leader was leering at him ( ... )


Re: Tripple rapes for their pleasure part 2c anonymous September 28 2008, 18:04:26 UTC
The brother cutting Zoros pants and harameki off smiled and made a few hand motions and Sanji eyes grew wide Zoros body began to change. The marimos dick was shrinking down, disappearing into a ….oh god…his eyes trailed up to the chest…breasts. Large beautiful breasts were growing there, stretching the scar etched there…and hips…and his face. After a minute it was a quasi-naked female Zoro chained in all her green haired glory ( ... )


Re: Tripple rapes for their pleasure part 2c anonymous September 28 2008, 18:22:55 UTC
(OP) this is amazingly done so far! I don't know if this is the last part for now or not but the- the set up, and villains! and plot! all along with the badwrong concept... There are tons of things I want to say but words fail. It feels twisted of me to squee so I'm trying not to, but. yeah. So good in all the right badwrong ways. If that makes sense... I'm really looking forward to the rest and hopefully find something more coherent to say next time.

Now I'll just... go hide over there chanting 'nobody knows who I am'... lol


Re: Tripple rapes for their pleasure part 2c anonymous September 28 2008, 18:27:34 UTC
(writer anon) Yay! Glad you like it! I have an exam monday and tues so posting the rest might not happen till Weds (but there is hope I'll work on it after class so you never know).

There is definitely more coming and hopefully you'll like it just as much! YAy!


Re: Tripple rapes for their pleasure part 2c anonymous September 28 2008, 18:57:58 UTC
(not OP) A good beginning, it'll be interesting to see what you consider to be a "mental rape" and if you deal with the repercussions. PS, there is only one "p" in triple.


Re: Tripple rapes for their pleasure part 2c anonymous September 28 2008, 20:17:41 UTC
(another writer-anon) Nice start! I'm looking forward to more!

I have to ask, though, is it alright if I write and post the fic idea I have for this prompt as well? The plotbunny is chewing on my brain, so I'll have to write it either way, and I feel it would be a waste not to share it. It's quite a bit different from yours, though.


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