Title: Out of the Black Rating: PG Chapter: 8/9 Characters: The Crew of Serenity, the Crew of Kobol... and our mysterious benefactor Words this chapter: ~3000
Title: Out of the Black Rating: PG Chapter: 7/9 Characters in order of Appearance: Kara, Lee, Dee, Roslin, Gaeta, Hoshi, Adama, Helo, and .....? Words this chapter: ~2480
Title: Life on Boros Rating: PG Words: ~2920 Summary: At the end of the settling mission, Dee, Gaeta, and Hoshi work to figure out where do they go from here?
Title: Out of the Black Rating: PG Chapter: 5/9 Characters in order of Appearance: Athena, Helo, Hera, Caprica, Tigh, and a few surprises. Words this chapter: ~2600
Title: Out of the Black Rating: PG Chapter: 4/9 Characters in order of Appearance: Lee, Roslin, Adama, Kara, Jayne, Tyrol, Kaylee, Anders Words this chapter: ~3310
Title: Coin-Operated Boy Pairing: Kaylee/Chief Rating: PG-13 Words: ~1360 Spoilers: through A Disquiet Follows my Soul Summary: “Fixin’ her is the whole point,” she said, voice buzzing with excitement. “There’s no point in leavin’ anythin’ broken"
Title: Out of the Black Rating: PG Chapter: 3/9 Characters in order of Appearance: Zoe, Helo, Kara, Athena, Kaylee, Chief, Inara, Gaius, Caprica Six, Hera, River, Head!Six, Book, Dee, Adama, Mal Words this chapter: ~2240
Title: Out of the Black Rating: PG Chapter: 2/9 Characters in order of Appearance: Roslin, Adama, Lee, Tyrol, Kara, Mal, Jayne, Book, River, Wash, Simon Words this chapter: ~2000